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ios7 sucks battery life! Any ideas?

ios7 ***** battery life! Any ideas?

iPhone 5, iOS 7

Posted on Sep 19, 2013 6:36 AM

98 replies

Sep 21, 2013 11:59 AM in response to fretraer

fretraer wrote:

I just wrote an email on my phone 5 and wnet to browse some info in the net went back to finnish email and my battery went from 20% to 5% in less than 5 min. Isnt this great?

Your battery didn't go from 20 to 5% in less than five minutes. Not unless you were discharging the new laser at the full lethal power setting.

The battery needs to be recalibrated several times, and you need to go into the menus as discussed and address all power using issues.

Not one of the four iOS devices I own is experiencing the battery issues reported here, so it is a solvable problem. Remain calm and figure it out.

Sep 21, 2013 12:07 PM in response to Twitchin Kitten

Twitchin Kitten wrote:

LOL Grinch!

Well got it to drain and it's charging now. So far it's taken 1 1/2 hours to charge to 40%

Apple tech INSISTS I have a battery issue and they also keep going on and on about turning off this that and the other thing. Seriously? I turned off TONS of stuff and now she's telling me to turn off LTE when I'm in an area that doesn't have it.

Seriously? The phone should work like it did BEFORE the upgrade without it sucking the life out and it should charge to 100% in about an hour like it DID BEFORE!

Apple is passing the buck - to who I don't know, but I do know my phone had no problems until I upgraded to iOS7.

I have an appt with the Apple store Monday to do some deep diagnosing. Until then, I'll carefully monitor it and keep notes and bring with me.

My iPhone 5 and iPad mini take over three hours to charge (using the included chargers) after a full discharge.

There could indeed be a difference in battery life depending upon signal strength of the cell signal, or the phone switching from one site to another. Verizon is a little different than AT&T on the methodology.

As I said, I own four iOS devices and am not experiencing the battery life issues that you describe. I left my iPad mini on all night at medium brightness to download some navigation data. After eight hours, I still had 40% battery life and had to keep running videos and browsing to drain it to shutdown.

Sounds like you just did a full discharge and recharge, so it might be interesting to see if anything changes.

I simply turned off the background updates, including using the Settings menu at the bottom of location services, and have never used push for email.

Sep 21, 2013 12:15 PM in response to Mr Grinch

So Mr Grinch, how do you explain my severe battery drain then. I have a three month old iPhone 5 which performed flawlessly on iOS 6.1.4 and I always achieved over 8 hours of internet browsing over WiFi. Now after two clean installs of iOS 7 with both being set up as a new phone and bo backups used I am lucky to achieve 5 hours of WiFi web browsing. This is with parallax switched off, background app refresh switched off, location services switched off, screen brightness on low and no Facebook or Twitter installed. The phone seems to run 'ok' with WiFi switched off but my heavy usage is predominantly using WiFi.

Sep 21, 2013 1:14 PM in response to Flickx4

Hi all, I've been having exactly the same battery problems as other users since upgrade : (

I tried to post about it here before but Apple removed my posts - censoring the truth? ; )

In desperation I have reset my phone, done restarts, logged out of aps, drained power completely a number of times, done a backup of phone and restored to factory settngs then restored from back-up - you name it I think I've done it.

But the battery is still leaking power like a running tap!

I'm a really unhappy customer, I need a phone I can carry around with me and use without having to be constantly worrying about it running out of charge and being away from home or a power source to charge it, for example.

Never had this problem before with an iPhone and really think Apple need to take ownership and address asap.

Otherwise I may as well go and get myself an Android phone that not only has all the fancy things the new IOS7 has, but can actually hold a charge so you can use all the aps, etc, otherwise what's the point having them on your phone if you have to turn them all off to save power??!!

Sep 22, 2013 6:18 AM in response to Mr Grinch

Mr Grinch wrote:

Twitchin Kitten wrote:

LOL Grinch!

Well got it to drain and it's charging now. So far it's taken 1 1/2 hours to charge to 40%

Apple tech INSISTS I have a battery issue and they also keep going on and on about turning off this that and the other thing. Seriously? I turned off TONS of stuff and now she's telling me to turn off LTE when I'm in an area that doesn't have it.

Seriously? The phone should work like it did BEFORE the upgrade without it sucking the life out and it should charge to 100% in about an hour like it DID BEFORE!

Apple is passing the buck - to who I don't know, but I do know my phone had no problems until I upgraded to iOS7.

I have an appt with the Apple store Monday to do some deep diagnosing. Until then, I'll carefully monitor it and keep notes and bring with me.

My iPhone 5 and iPad mini take over three hours to charge (using the included chargers) after a full discharge.

There could indeed be a difference in battery life depending upon signal strength of the cell signal, or the phone switching from one site to another. Verizon is a little different than AT&T on the methodology.

As I said, I own four iOS devices and am not experiencing the battery life issues that you describe. I left my iPad mini on all night at medium brightness to download some navigation data. After eight hours, I still had 40% battery life and had to keep running videos and browsing to drain it to shutdown.

Sounds like you just did a full discharge and recharge, so it might be interesting to see if anything changes.

I simply turned off the background updates, including using the Settings menu at the bottom of location services, and have never used push for email.

Two power downs and recharges and I'm not much better off. I don't have time for this either. Draining the phone and charging it back up is quite time consuming and not for nuthin' - my phone worked just fine with the settings I had before the upgrade and I shouldn't have to constantly be fiddling and checking settings of one thing or another for any situation my life takes me in while I have my phone with me. I'm not one of those people who are constantly looking at the phone, but I do like to know that I won't get stuck while driving without the ability to call for help!

Tomorrow will tell. I have that appointment at the Apple store.

Sep 22, 2013 7:42 PM in response to Flickx4

I've have the same issue across 4 iPhones. My iPhone 5S, 2 iPhone 5 and a 4S are all experiencing the same issue, poor battery life. The two iPhone 5's as well as the 4S had expetional battery life before the upgrade to iOS7. I've since preformed all the tweaks suggested. Everything is turned off, but I feel like those Android users that I use to make fun of, having to turn off every background services to get a little better batter life. I have so many users (family and friends that I've converted to Apple) complaining to me about this that it's starting to wear on my nerves. I provided a feeback, not so much of a "complaint" to Apple, I have faith in them to provide a fix. None of their devices in the past, had any major issues, expecially with battery life, so lets see where this leads.

Hang in there guys and if you havent...please submit a feedback regarding this, you can find the link in several of the previous posts.

Sep 23, 2013 4:09 AM in response to iRonald

iRonald wrote:

I've have the same issue across 4 iPhones. My iPhone 5S, 2 iPhone 5 and a 4S are all experiencing the same issue, poor battery life. The two iPhone 5's as well as the 4S had expetional battery life before the upgrade to iOS7. I've since preformed all the tweaks suggested. Everything is turned off, but I feel like those Android users that I use to make fun of, having to turn off every background services to get a little better batter life. I have so many users (family and friends that I've converted to Apple) complaining to me about this that it's starting to wear on my nerves. I provided a feeback, not so much of a "complaint" to Apple, I have faith in them to provide a fix. None of their devices in the past, had any major issues, expecially with battery life, so lets see where this leads.

Hang in there guys and if you havent...please submit a feedback regarding this, you can find the link in several of the previous posts.


What's ******* me off is the attitude that it MUST be "me" or "mine" and no one else is having this issue.

I also don't like that I keep getting told I must make all these adjustments to preserve battery life. That's total crap. My best guess right now, with now 3 full power downs and charges - like I have time for this - is all the "pretty things" that was added like that silly what do they call it? Parallax nonsense and fading and things reflecting the background etc. that eats resources on my iMac, I'm sure that eats batteries on the phone. All stuff I truly don't care about.

People are screaming about battery life in nearly all the other categories of complaints too.

Sep 23, 2013 11:31 AM in response to Flickx4

I have read all the responses to iOS7 battery life and totally agree with every complaint. Since installing iOS7 I have read several articles on "How to save battery life with the new iOS7" and turned off every conceivable application/background, etc. The battery gets sucked down to 20% from 100% with LIMITED use in 10 hours. IF I could go back to to iOS6, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Sep 23, 2013 11:59 AM in response to larry9778

OK so here's the deal -

I just got back from the Apple store appointment.

They claim my battery is fine but there are some core files that are failing.

This could be due to:


So, they downloaded all new files completley wiped the phone and set it up as new. The 'blue shirt' gave me some minimal settings and so I parked myself in the only place on the floor where I could stand in peace and started turning off all kinds of stuff that I don't need on. I dropped 5% in 5 minutes.

I also CANNOT restore from my backup here at home because despite what the phone tech said on Friday, those core files are in my backed up data.

So now I have to spend a ton of time that I can't afford resetting the settings, mail and other things and downloading ALL my apps from fresh downloads.

So, I go back to the same kid, told him this and he says that since I was using my phone this is normal.

I'm sorry, I'm NOT buying this. I've set my phone up in the past and having 4 iPhones in the house, I KNOW it does NOT suck up that kind of energy to turn OFF things.

This is on a CLEAN install, reformat with NO outside apps, NO email set up NOTHING.

So, I leave. I figure I'll monitor and see how it goes. As I'm walking out of the store to my car, I think, "Does reformatting from within the phone actually download new files? The process was awfully fast compared to doing it at home."

I get to the car and call Apple. They claim yes, all fresh files have been installed.

I'm NOT buying it.

So, we'll see. I will watch and see if this nonsense continues and if it does I'm going to start screaming that I've been snookered from every direction.

And talking with the rep, I seriously doubt that there is going to be ANYTHING done regarding the myriad of complaints on this iOS. I'm so glad my phone looks like Winblows.

Sep 23, 2013 3:07 PM in response to Twitchin Kitten

I'm still on ios 6 on my iphone 5, so can't test any ideas. But, I recall running a long term test on 6 with the brightness at each extreme, and finding it has a massive effect (like hours of difference) on life. Anyway, I wonder if the ios 7 themes and wallpapers are causing most people to run at higher brightness than they used on ios 6. Try changing the wallpaper and maybe even reverse the colors (Accessiblitiy setting) and try cutting the brightness to as dark as you can live with, then see if the battery life improves to what it was on 6.

Another issue that might help is to increase the font size, since they made it finer on 7. Maybe a larger or bolder font will allow you to still see with a lower brightness.

If this works, let us know what changes you made to the theme to still have something readable on a darker screen.


Sep 23, 2013 3:27 PM in response to paulfromhere

Two clean installs here, set up as a new phone (i5), location disabled, background app refresh disabled, automatic app store updates disabled, reduce motion on, basic wallpaper, no Facebook or Twitter installed, bluetooth switched off and two full drains of the battery to calibrate it.

I am still experiencing severe battery drain just the same as on my initial OTA upgrade.

WiFi browsing is 6 hours when I used to get 8.5 on iOS6. Standby times are fine but what does that matter?? Any time I actually use the phone for *anything* the battery meter plummets. This is no good at all Apple!

Sep 24, 2013 4:37 AM in response to paulfromhere

OK So here's the deal.

I unplugged my phone at 9:36 PM with 100% battery life last night. This morning I only lost 2%.

That's more like it.

BUT this came at a great cost. I lost so much in the process. You see, I had to delete ALL my apps AND the files that came with them. That means ALL data associated with them that wasn't stored on someone elses databases.

Remember, cloud saved items had to be tossed too. And for anyone who does not use the cloud, this is truly a process.

So, I go to iTunes and download ALL my apps again and 50% of them fail.

I'm at this for two and a half hours.

*Trick - go to iTunes > iTunes Store > Apps > right side select 'purchased'

ALL game data is gone. Thankfully the games are not so important to me but for things I was in the middle of and actually enjoying, or games I've played to completion are all wiped clean.

I do not save my info in the Game Center. I like my privacy.

I also do not use Cloud to save anything nor do I store info on anyone elses servers if it can be helped.

The only exception is Amazon Kindle for my books.

All my notes are gone.

ALL my business cards are gone. I don't even know if I saved them all

*Another tip - if you are using your ISP's mail server and porting it to your Apple mail (or any other application ie: Thunderbird), MAKE SURE you go to the carrier's website, log in and CLEAN UP! I forgot to do this and only cleaned out the stuff on the phone. When I synced my mail accounts, I had over 500 emails come in on the phone. How utterly frustrating it is to have to tick off mail ONE BY ONE to get rid of it? When is Apple going to add a 'select all' and 'delete all' feature? Like I enjoyed that half hour of my time lost.

Let's talk about the new iTunes. What Crap! - lets' see how fast this gets deleted out by the fascists moderating this board.

iTunes is reformatted AGAIN in the Your Phone > Apps area. No longer can you click and drag app icons to arrange your phone to your satisfaction DESPITE what the wording below the window says. This is now a 4 step process to move one or a bunch of icons.

1- choose the 'page' your icons are on and DOUBLE CLICK said page

2- select your icon/s

3- pull your icons to an 'empty space' within the window and now 'carry' them up or down to the page you want them on. PRAY the scrolling works as you ask it to or it keeps bouncing back to where you started OR it completely rearranges the pages on you.

4- drop your icons on the page you finally make it to and then sort and put in the correct folders if necessary.

Keep in mind these bugs - they can get frustrating.

Icons on pages will 'clump' together sometimes until you enlarge that page. Clump = overlap.

The transparency on these pages will often fool you and show icons that are UNDER this now 'blown up' page you're working on.

If you don't move efficiently enough, again, the pages rearrange on you.

After losing my work several times because of this new, more frustrating feature I found an even less efficient way that gets results.

Go through all your apps and install them in small groups to limit this to only two pages of view.





Sync and continue this until your stupid phone is back the way you like it.

I had 4 pages of apps and folders. If you have more, I pity you. I know what you're in for.

If anyone knows of a more efficient way to work this new iTunes let me know. I havent' even put my music back in yet because it's going to take me days of trying to regroup the data in my banking and other apps.

Apple owes me money for my time IMO.

Sep 24, 2013 6:15 AM in response to Flickx4

I have the same problem. Noticed battery draining alarming and then read that it is happening to most people I know.

I don't use twitter and fb apps, I have no push notification, location notices switched off, don't use game apps, brightness reduced, etc etc. I might as well not use an iPad now!

Charged the battery last evening upto 100%. When I went to sleep it was at 95%. Now the only thing I've done on it is to READ viber messages and iMessages I received, and read apple support and turn off more settings and in the last half hour and it's down to 86%!!!

I am going to send in a feedback thing too.

Oh and by the way, when I click on 'branched to a new discussion' at the top I get a message saying I am not allowed to see that discussion!

ios7 sucks battery life! Any ideas?

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