wifi doesn't work with IOS 7
Hi, I installed on my iphone IOS 7 but now wifi doesn't work. It doesn't find any wifi connections around me. Please help me! What can I do?
Hi, I installed on my iphone IOS 7 but now wifi doesn't work. It doesn't find any wifi connections around me. Please help me! What can I do?
Weirder yet; if I go to Settings- and look at Wi-Fi it says "Off"!
So, wifi is working, but NO indicator and Settings says Off. But if I touch Wi-Fi the next screen shows Wi-Fi On and connected to my network. ***
If Apple isn't following forums like this closely after the release of a new ios - here is a post with 90 replies and almost 8000 views - then it really is a dumber company than I thought, doesn't care about its customers and doesn't understand what quality is ...
Now, hold on- just tried to use eBay and Another web app; not connecting. Went back into mail, created and sent email to myself to see- locked up while 'checking for mail' and now:
Cellular Data Is Turned Off message is back… ***
I am starting to get real angry,
I tried the last work around my wifi actually turned on.. about the 3rd time I have gotten it to turn on, but when it on I have no signal strength, i sitting in front of my router and it can not pic it up..
I have tried reseting my network setting nothing.
I backed up my iphone and erased all content,, Now that really ****** me off.. Now I lost half my add ons and saved data in my add ons.. for some reason half of them did not restore.. and on top of that the problem was not fixed.
Now why is apple not fixing this problem, you have a lot of customers with problems since this new IOS 7, I wish I never even downloaded it.. I dont even like it..
My fiance has the same 4s 16 gig I have.. she had no problems,, her wifi works just like before on IOS 6.
Apple needs to do something before I go to Samsung G4..
I wonder can I go back to IOS 6, i rather run the old one that works.
And should I even bother going to my local ATT to yell??
I am freakin ******. Who going to pay for my data if I go over my plan... I'm Not!@!!!!!!
I was hoping that Apple monitors these dicusssions and will address the issue quickly seeing as how so many people are affected.
Bharris0721: your addons (apps) may be there
- go to iTunes and from there into the store
- search for apps purchased but not on your PC
- click the download all - you should then have copies of all the apps on your PC
- sync the iPhone again with iTunes and missing apps should appear (if I am guessing correctly what your problems is)
But I do agree with the sentiment of your post particularly the ******** bits - I'm hacked off too
Got back to settings-wifi- now shows Not Connected! Tap on Wifi prompt; screen frozen now. I'm waiting; screen frozen, clock frozen. Try to press Home Button; nothing. Press Home Button and power, hold- shut down, no reboot. Press power button, phone starting up with Apple logo. Lock screen comes up- Searching for service SCREEN LOCKED CANT SWIPE TO UNLOCK!?!!! Oh what's this now!? Ok, it started to reboot again(?) lets see what happens. Got Lock screen showing 4 bars of signal, no WiFi indication. But still can't Slide To Unlock. AND NOW IT'S REBOOTING AGAIN!!! Apple logo- went to black, nothing happening- AND APPLE LOGO AGAIN!! Wait- Lock Screen again, shows 4 bars and carrier, but no WiFi symbol. Ok- let me unlock, enter password- home screen- no WiFi symbol. Hit email- one unsent message (my test to myself)- Cellular Data is Turned Off message again. Hit OK- go to Settings- Wifi (shows off)- select and wifi switch is greed out again!!!
Greyed out, not greed out.
I am trying to search for apps not on pc.. but I cant seem to find search for apps not on the pc
I might be wrong, but if you restore from a backup, then the backup only has a list of the apps from the iPhone and information about where they are on the screen- The application itself is restored from the copy that is on the PC - so if the app is NOT on the PC it wont be restored.
All the apps that you have ever downloaded to the iPhone can be found:
1) either from iTunes on the PC (go to store - AppStore - then press the "Purchased" button on the right side - and donwload any that are "Not on This Computer" - then sync as I mentioned before)
2) or on the iPhone under Apps, but if you don't have wifi, it will be slow (and expesnive in bandwidth terms) to download - you should do it through iTunes instead
Hope this helps
Wow thanks I think I found,, all my old apps even one i have long delelted... I can pic and choose all the ones I am missing..
glad to help 🙂
Hey. I may have stumbled onto to something. Now, I did change the name of my iPhone and removed the apostrophe, but I'd tried that before with no result. So I'd put it back in. Well, I went back in and removed it again, but I also went into Settings- Control Center- and deactivated "Access on Lock Screen": held power button down to shut phone off and then restarted. I now have WiFi: again with no WiFi symbol in upper left corner. In Settings Wi-Fi shows 'Off' but touching the WiFi button opens Wi-Fi settings and in there it's on and showing my homenetwork joined. I'm receiving email, opened Safari and able to connect- ****. It just went down again. Hmmmm. I opened settings went to wifi and it joined my network again. Safari works. Tried Check, my financial app- and it's searching :(
This is buggier than a campground in Maine in July!!!!
APPLE we need a POSt.. I know your read these.. Some kind of status update.. At least let us know your working on the problem... I believe there enough people with the same exact problem.. I am not going to buy my WIFI chip went bad at the same moment I downloaded IOS 7,, and if that the case send me IOS 6 to reinstall.. see if my wifi still down!!!
I highly doubt over 100 other people wifi chips went bad at the same time!!!
To make sure that Apple understands this is a real problem, I also wanted add my name to the list of people experiencing wifi problems. I have a 4S and have never had wifi issues with the phone. After updating to iOS7, my wifil will not connect to my home router or my office router. I have tried all the "fixes" outlined in the previous 6 pages to this thread and none of them works (I connected once but it was short lived).
The wifi issue is clearly not a hardware issue in my case -- it only arose after updating to the new OS.
wifi doesn't work with IOS 7