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WIFI disabled - Greyed out since iOS 7 update on iphone 4s

My 4s has had no WIFI issues until i updated to iOS 7. after the update it worked for about 20 hours then disabled. I noticed my wifi was no longer connected, i checked the wifi was on and it was, still unable to connect i restarted the phone and now the WI-FI button is grey, dim and wont switch on. However Bluetooth does work fine, so I’m thinking it’s not the chip.

network setting reset

factory reset..... itunes crashed while restoring my data so now unable to re-sync my personal data

battery drain


nothing seems to fix this issue ! after reading forums it seems a similar thing happened when iOS 6.x.x was released, my 4s is out of warranty, apple seem to be taking no responsibility for the issue, clearly caused by the update as had zero issues until that point… which I find “convenient” as it so happens to co-inside with new iphone launches.

Please help anyone in the same boat ?

not a happy camper!

iPhone 4S, iOS 7

Posted on Sep 23, 2013 3:32 AM

343 replies

Nov 17, 2013 9:29 AM in response to spikesykes

Folks, I just want to reiterate this.

I am a long time user of Apple products. I've spent $5,000+ in personal purchases over the last few years and $75,000 - $100,000 at my workplace, sometimes that much in one year if I go far enough back in time.

I have just transitioned my company out of Apple products - completely - and I will not return to being a patron of their business in any capacity because of this betrayal on their part. Having to buy an iPhone 5, which is the objective of the aggressive planned obsolescence built into their 4S devices, won't make me broke. But my position will not change on principle until they remedy this, and even then it may be too late.

My detailed reasoning is here in an earlier post:


Nov 18, 2013 2:00 PM in response to Fabrizio_Gori

I took my phone in last week when I woke up to no "wi fi". They gave me a new phone (minus all my apps, etc.) the Blutooth worked the WI FI still didn't work! I waited, Friday they were "too busy" make an appointment. Ok, meantime I connect my phone to my computer to listen to music on ITunes Friday evening and voila, the iOS decided to update to "fix the bugs". Since then I haven't been able to even get past "country", "set up with ITunes". I am totally frustrated. Tomorrow I go to Apple AGAIN and it better get fixed. In the meantime I wonder if anyone else is going to file some kind of class action Lawsuit against Apple for putting out products (almost monthly) now that they have zoomed ahead in technology with noone to back up their constant updates???

Nov 18, 2013 2:05 PM in response to AppleFanNoMore

Yep! One morning last week I woke up to no wi fi! Took the phone in to Sprint (as I didn't buy it at Apple), they "fixed it", except for the wi fi! It was useable if you wanted to look at my photo album, the rest, pffft. Couldn't Facetime, calls dropped. The update came available to "fix" the problem yet I had no wi fi so it couldn't fix it! Now i have no phone and I have no "apple contract". I'm up for someone to head up a lawsuit and we could all get Apple to own up to cornering the market with these silly "Iphones" that come out every six months with some "new configuration" that doesn't work with the "old" configuration, i.e., chargers, etc!

Nov 18, 2013 5:57 PM in response to Tarrantion82

Seems the only response missing here is from Apple. Discussions on this issue appear to be worldwide so suggestions that it's just a tiny fraction of 4s units with "flaky" hardware are innaccurate. I have the same issue - "greyed" WiFi button - which arose immediately upon updating to iOS 7.

I've reinstalled, restored the software twice this evening, reset the network connections, restored the software ... and "grey" WiFi button, so NO WiFi. In fact I've tried almost everything I could find in the discussions - I refuse to place it in the freezer or break out a hair dryer. The unit is 4 months old and, after reading all the discussion posts on this issue, I'm very concerned that a replacement unit will crap out with this OS in the not too distant future.

Seems to me that this issue is that the combination of the 4s firmware/software and the iOS 7 are incompatible.

I'm wondering if maybe Apple should use a little fraction of the shareholder trillions they're hanging on to to stem what would seem to be a growing customer exodus.

Nov 21, 2013 3:25 AM in response to Tarrantion82

The freezer solution did work for me several times, but only for a few minutes after coming out of the freezer.

When I subsequently visited the Genius bar, they noticed slight water damage. Which I attribute to using the freezer in a tropical climate. The phone was nevertheless declared out of warranty, 14 months after I purchased it.

After loosing the warranty I had the wifi connector replaced, but that didn't solve the issue.

Since the freezer solution seems only temporary and could cost you the warranty, I don't recommend applying it.

As a customer I'm not happy with Apple not taking responsibility.

Had I known they recognised the issue, I would not have put my phone through the freezer solution with loss of warranty as a result.

Nov 21, 2013 3:55 AM in response to NLSOER

The option with freezer or heat should be used if your phone is out of warranty. If you still have warranty, don't be dumb and bring it to apple. However, if u are out of warranty, what u got to lose by trying. I choose heat option and it worked for me numerous times. I thought it better try anything than pay another dime to apple. I described in post before what I did and it WORKED.

Nov 22, 2013 6:36 AM in response to Tarrantion82

Prior to the IOS 7 upgrade I was able to pick up WiFi both at Home and away. I too now have the problem with a greyed out wifi button, and and before that the wifi dropping out and not even picking up either the Apple airstation or my Virgin Wifi (even when trying to connect within a couple of feet of these devices).

I'm not sure how many posts are in this thred but there are 14 pages of them. My phone is out of warranty by a few months, however I do not feel that I should have to go to the lenghts of freezing or heating my iphone to get it to work as it did before I upgraded to IOS 7. What I do find strange is that with all these comments Apple support have not chipped in at all. Either to to deny or otherwise some of the suggestions being put forward. To me it says that Apple do not care about their customers. This community is clearly being ignored by Apple in my opinion. I am a recent convert to apple but I'm beginning to regret it as they really do not seem to care.

Come on Apple, prove me wrong, get some support for this technical issue.

To have to heat an iphone to get a chip to reset itself is bizzar, I think it clearly shows that there is a software problem causing the relevent h/w or chip to close down, or there is a hardware fault that may show itself in the millions of phones at some time later in the iphones life. This would really hit them both financially and in their standing in the market place which may be why they are trying to play down these faults.

Like many people, I picked an iphone because it (should) intgrate with my other Apple equipment (2 Macbook pro's a Macbook and an iPad) In particular I use the wifi to share via my personal hotspot to the above devices all at the same time (which worked before the upgrade) and to connect to 'paid for' wifi services when away from my home.

So, come on Apple do the right thing, own the problem and get this problem sorted.

I would have bee n happy to go back to IOS 6, but the Apple store sI went to aid that it is not possible (I didn't have time to wait for a 'Genious')! I have heard that there is a way to go back, but I have yet to find and try this. If this is the case then the Apple guy was lying to me.

I have also found that when the iphone is connected via the cable to my Macbook's USB I cannot get to the internet (Wifi or 3G) on my Macbook. I always could before the upgrade.

Nov 22, 2013 6:47 AM in response to Peter-f

The is no way to solve the problem for already damaged iphones, and simply going back to IOS6 won't make wifi working again, either.
The issue is a poor wifi chipset installed on 4s.

IOS7 is an heavy OS for 4s CPU, it heats up too much and wifi chip gets unwelded. If you heat it with a hairblower you may be lucky enough to repair the nuggets, but it may be only a temporary recovery.
The only way for Apple to solve this issue would be calling back ALL 4s and changing wifi chip.. obviously they'll never do that.

WIFI disabled - Greyed out since iOS 7 update on iphone 4s

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