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Wifi not working after upgrade to iOS 7

After upgrading iOS 7 on my iPhone 4S, the wifi is not working. It cannot detect any wifi nor am I able to enable wifi under settings. Is there a way for me to fix this?

iPhone 4S, iOS 7

iPhone 4S, iOS 7

Posted on Sep 23, 2013 4:45 PM

255 replies

Dec 30, 2013 7:35 AM in response to I really dislike Itunes

I really dislike Itunes wrote:

Man, you really have it out for this guy. I can try to back him up and say that I have had an iphone since they began making them and even worked for AT&T from the initial launch all the way up until the iphone 4. I never had an issue like this ever, nor did I have any customers come in with this issue. Trust me, they always come into the cellular carrier first if a problem like this happens. Lay off this guy and go reasearch for yourself how common of an issue this is. Apple is not infallable, but you would think given their reputation of being a tech savy, honest, customer tried and true company that they would have picked up on this issue by now and come clean. I'll keep you all posted on what they say is the issue.

I don't have it out for anyone.

But let's look more closely at your own post:

I have had an iphone since they began making them and even worked for AT&T from the initial launch all the way up until the iphone 4. I never had an issue like this ever, nor did I have any customers come in with this issue.

go reasearch for yourself how common of an issue this is.

Well, now I'm confused. You've had iPhones since Summer of 2007. Six+ years. And you worked for AT&T for three years. And you never had an issue, and in three years, you never saw an issue like this.

But, then you say, go see how 'common' it is. If you've never seen it, then how is it 'common'?

Here's the thing; I have researched it. And it's not very common at all. A very, very small percentage of users have any hardware issue related to wi-fi. And I have far more experience with iPhones that you do.

And, forgive me, but based on your chosen username, I sense a certain negative bias on your part.

It boils down to this, and this alone:

1. Do all the required troubleshooting.

2. If problem persists, contact Apple.

3. Either get the device replaced for free under warranty/AppleCare, or pay the out-of-warranty fee.

That's the only option via Apple. There are other possible options, such as third-party repairs or wireless carrier upgrades, etc. But these are the Apple options. Whether or not Apple is going to 'acknowledge' an issue publicly is not relevant to the technical issue at hand, and is, in fact, a violation of the terms of use of this forum, which prohibits discussing Apple's policies or procedures, or speculation on Apple decisions.

Stick to the technical issues and legitimate, approved potential resolutions. Save the speculation for other forums, and give feedback to Apple at www.apple.com/feedback.

Dec 30, 2013 8:05 AM in response to TJBUSMC1973

From your remarks, you are suggesting that because this problem didn't happen in the past, then is it not common. Hmmmm...Well I can't imagine that you have researched it that much, because it is very common on various websites, threads, posts, iphone forums,etc. However, you are correct, it has not happened in the past, but that does not make it uncommon. And yes, given my username you would be correct to assume that I am negative towards Itunes, great detective work. That does not mean I do not like the Iphone. Given your great powers of deduction, it would stand to reason that you would have found that I in fact love the Iphone seeing as how I mentioned in my message that I have had every one they have ever made. Just because I don't like one aspect of what a company does (itunes) doesn't mean I don't like their products. Now, thank goodness we have that figured out. As for the rest of your comments, you are incorrect. Apple as a company has openly debated and referred to iphone hardware and software issues quite commonly over the course the product's release and has kept customers informed. Here is one that happened just recently http://crave.cnet.co.uk/mobiles/apple-admits-iphone-5s-battery-problem-replaces- phones-50012627/

There was also a similar issue with the 3GS battery and with wall charging units where they did a massive recall. So what you may be dismissing as a "small % of people issue" could perhaps turn into a large scale manufacturing defect they Apple may have to fess up to in the end. By your posts, I can tell that you are a very gung-ho Apple supporter and that is fine, as am I. Yet, I think telling people "how it is" on here almost acting as an Apple tech yourself is quite ridiculous. I followed through the steps you listed wihtout your help as I am sure most everyone else has or will eventually. They don't need a wise-*** on here telling them to hush and deal with it. Most people are simply trying to relate a problem and see if anyone else is having it. When I spoke to the Apple tech on the phone Saturday to setup my appointment he also further informed me that many iphone 4s and 5 users were experiencing these same problems. He assured me it was in fact a problem with the connection/link in the wifi detection unit as so succinctly stated by our Aussie friend in his description.

Looking forward to posting my findings after I meet with the Apple Store Techs this Thursday. I will get as much information and detail as is possible and will let you all know what the real deal is. Until then, take it easy TJBUSMC1973.....everyone is on the same team here.

Dec 30, 2013 8:16 AM in response to I really dislike Itunes

Oh, and I never said that I never had an issue. I have had plenty of issues with iphone in the past, but I said, and I quote:

"I have never had an issue like this, nor did I have a customer come in with this issue."

And it's true, I have never had or seen an issue like this. The only issues I have had with an iphone were when they had to recall 3gs batteries and when they had a few software bugs here and there and most of the time, an update fixed those problems. Other than that, the only issue I have overall is battery life which is always a tough nut to crack when developing a device so amazing, versatile, and heavily used.

Dec 30, 2013 9:25 AM in response to I really dislike Itunes

I never said you've never had ANY issues with an iPhone. I was addressing what you, specifically said:

"I have never had an issue like this, nor did I have a customer come in with this issue."

In three years of working for AT&T, you never saw an issue like this. That's pretty straight forward.

As far as Apple having a support article for this issue, that doesn't mean it's 'common'. Apple has a lot of support articles. Do you believe that every troubleshooting article on the support site is evidence that proves that particular issue is 'common'?

TS4605 talks about missing information after an iCloud restore. But iCloud restores happen every day, without a problem. So, is this a common issue?

TS3376 talks about troubleshooting the Find My iPhone app. Is that also a common issue?

TS1538 talks about an iOS device not being recognized in iTunes. Is that also a common issue?

The existence of a troubleshooting article doesn't prove it's a common issue. Same for any news articles or tech blogs. It demonstrates that the issue exists, and that some people are affected, and those people affected will search out those articles, and often post their stories.

Got anything that shows actual numbers of total devices affected? Because there are literally millions of iPhones out there. For example, 4 million iPhone 4S units were sold in the first three days of release. Even if 10,000 of those had a wi-fi hardware issue, that's 0.25%. That's not 'common'.

So, until you can cite some actual data regarding how many units (even an approximate, based on actual statistics, not tech blogs or forum posts) have a wi-fi hardware issue, you're simply guessing and grasping at straws, or exagerrating for sensational effect.

And why do I believe I have more experience than you regarding iPhones? In part, because I've had more experience with iPhones than every single AT&T rep I've ever talked to, at over a dozen corporate stores. That's including reps with more than three years of experience, store managers, and AT&T support techs.

There are far more reasons, but I'll leave it at that.

This is not a common issue. Yes, it exists, and it's a significant issue. But common? No, not at all.

Dec 30, 2013 9:46 AM in response to TJBUSMC1973

Just give up and admit that it is common. There are no numbers currently because it it still slightly new...dating back earliest as I could find to May this year. You have no point and are simply trying to sound like an authority and you are not. The issues you listed are quite common user errors or glitches and do not apply to this specific problem. This is not just a simple issue or it would not be so rampant among forums and all over the internet. If you had actually read or followed any of the links I left, you would know that. Please go flex your forum blasting skills somewhere else where you can argumentative folks like yourself to debate irrationalities with. Until then, give it a rest and await my feedback from the apple tech I meet with. Everyone please try your best to disregard this guy if you can, he obviously needs attention and is quite douchy. Not name calling, just calling like I see it! That is all!

Dec 30, 2013 10:15 AM in response to I really dislike Itunes

I really dislike Itunes wrote:

There are no numbers currently because it it still slightly new...dating back earliest as I could find to May this year.

Wi-fi greyed out is 'new'? That's why there are no numbers on it?

No, it's not a 'new' issue. Been around for a while:



May 14, 2012


August 31, 2011.

I could search for older occurances, (and there are) but that's irrelevant.

The issue has been around for a while. It's not a common issue, however. Just like any mass-produced device, some are defective. And Apple replaces defective devices, for free, during the hardware warranty.

That's how all tech companies work. But, Apple ALSO offers an out of warranty option. Not all tech companies do that.

Again, you are not familiar enough with this issue to make any such claims that it is 'common'. You cite the existence of an Apple troubleshooting article as 'proof'. You claim the reason there are no numbers is because it is 'a new issue'.

You are pertuating a gross misconception. You have an obvious bias against Apple, based on your chosen screenname. You are failing to support your claims with any credible evidence.

Does this issue exist. Yes. Is it affecting so many users as to be called 'common'? No, not at all.

Once again, anyone experiencing this issue needs to follow the associated troubleshooting articles, and if the issue is not resolved, then contact Apple Support. Anything else is not supported by Apple.

Here are the links to the articles for reference.

iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections

iOS: Wi-Fi settings grayed out or dim - Support - Apple

Wifi not working after upgrade to iOS 7

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