I could not have put it better myself,,, But I'll try,,,
I have become disillutioned with Apple pruducts since the iPhone 4, each time there is a new bit of hardware I just think,, "oh,, is that all". I can't be blamed for feeling that way when other brands are pulsating with new and exciting things that make me think Apple WILL catch up, they WILL catch up,, but no and now there firmware is falling over,,,
I waited and waited in anticipation before upgrading to ios7 so I didn't get stuck with a white elephant, what do you know, Bam!! I got me a white elephant, FFS,
Will I stay Apple or go Android?? I'm not sure why but I'll wait for the next CellPhone hardware update to see if it's just a stab in the dark towards it's competitors or actually something to take a lead in the market and warrent it's prices.
I can't help thinking they are becoming the old Atari 500 versus the PC battle from back in the day and it not being long before we say "what happened to Apple" and our kids saying "Who"???