I had no problem with my iPhone 5S, about year, since i bought it in november 2013. Its from week 45 (2013), Factory: F2 (China, Zhengzhou - Foxconn). Then the screen stopped working, after 11 month.
Now Apple replaced it with new one, week 37 (2014) Factory: DN (China, Chengdu - Foxconn), and it have problem with mic. People never complained about voice muffling before, and now its every time.
So i tested sound recording with two iPhones. My faulty 5S, and my friends 5.
With equal positions and distance from sound source, there was totally different results. Record from friends iPhone were about 3(!) times louder, than from mine one. I was using standard sound recorder from iOS 8.
In my opinion, problem is in the mic on the bottom of the phone, mine mic. Its to weak. Main in faulty, but its near, and back one is far, but its ok. Voice strength is equal on both. So iOS decides that your voice is just a street noise, and decide to clear it from output signal.
May be its factory problem?
SN of my good iPhone 5S was beginning from F2, and the faulty one from other factory, SN begins with DN.