i agree with both your statements.
it's one of the better updates for long as far as the quality is concerned.
almost no bugs, at least no basic ones i've come acrosse yet, not to forget the energy + memory saving infrastructure which i find a big improvement after all.
unfortunately with every new os-version they unnecessarily change things ( take aways features, colors etc. ) for no good reason.
this makes me think back with regret to when i could make my mac look and work as to my nees and my liking and when the basics where just good.
the thing with the dock i must say i agree 100%, it produces negative energy because i distaste that look.
it just does not fit my eyes ( i'm a designer ) and the lack of customizability makes me upset even.
i'm grown up and can decide for myself how i want things to look and to work, at least within a certain basic range like dark or light, big or small,
with lines or without lines ( calendar ) etc.
however with each os-update there was a loss of nice features and the new tag function for example is new only in the way, that i can now search for all red files or all blue files, but therefore it takes space away in the finder so that i have less space to name the files pervectly and still see the whole name in column view and/or on the desktop for example.
and this just because there MUST be a color dot instead of a colored text background like before or even better a colored text field as a long time ago.
however, generally the os is good, the best by far still and still improving.
i just would appreciate a bit more choice in theming and organizing as well as paying more attention to the capabilites instead of the show effects.
albeit this update did quite a lot under the hood so this time i can say it was ok so far.
just follow the old proven rules, never change a winning team and don't change or take away things which work and are widely accepted and used.
this is the old conflict between programmers and designers, and the bigger a thing gets ( more complexity ) the more power the programmers
take over the desingers. you can find this most obviously in car design, which has even caused manufacturers or at least models to
desapear from the market entirely. just look how many bmw models 1996-1999 are still running and then look at how many 2000-2003 models you
see "per year" thanks to mr. bangle :-)
last but not least i would prefer to pay for my working tools but having a say instead of free stuff on a take it or leave it basis.