apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
Apple TV (3rd generation)
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014
Apple TV (3rd generation)
I'm experiencing this problem as well with a 1st gen Atv. It is accessing the Internet, but won't access movies, music or tv.
Just downloaded the new software update for ATV gen 1. I had to unplug the power cord and reconnect... And it did not work!
new software update?
I see no update from 3.0.2
Well - glad I logged into this forum. I spent all afternoon trying to get my 1st gen ATV to show me Top Movies, etc! I will keep checking back to see if resolved. Glad I have a Smart TV Samsung to fall back on!
Same problem here. Apple TV first gen has been a brick for two days. Mucho annoyment!
I use it every day and really rely on it. At the moment not only does it fail to connect to apple store, but if I try to stream from my Mac it's all stutters and starts. Plus it keeps restarting itself. Weird.
Any sign of a fix? Should I phone apple support? Or wait it out?
Thanks so much for checking on this. I just realized I had the same issues as many has mentioned here with my 1st gen ATV. I'll wait for the fix.
I'm having the same issues with my Apple TV 1st gen. Does not show Top Movies or Top Music menu options, stuttering menu performance, flickering art in main menu.
I found a work-around for movies I already have in iTunes, stored on my Mac: I turn off my cable modem. Then, my ATV1 started to behave itself enough so I could watch a movie. I only did this one time, YMMV.
Call Apple. Keep putting the pressure on. The more users that contact Apple the more likely they will respond.
On or about 3/26 the internet radio stations stoppped loading on ATV gen 1 followed by the itunes access being disabled. I have to imagine these 2 problems are related and probably due to Heartbleed in some form. My ATV gen 1 is hardwired via an ethernet connection rather then a wirelss connection to the internet. I can NOT access itunes store...... but I am able to view content from my laptop that I purchased such as TV shows and movies on the ATV. I am able to sync new content from my itunes to the apple TV. TV shows on my laptop WORK properly on the ATV. Not sure if THIS IS BECAUSE OF THE ETHERNET CONNECTION. I am able to play radio stations by adding my favorite stations to a playlist that I created in my itunes library and then syncing with ATV gen 1. Others reported they were able to duplicate this with the radio stations in another discussion thread. So I may be at one advanatge to be able to still sync content but I am not able to have direct access to itunes via the ATV. I do hope Apple is hearing us loud and clear. I asked tech support if they ever read these duscussions since they never chime in. He said they do read it - how thotough and how often is another question. I agree we need to flood their feedback page with complaints and reports of these dysfunctions with the ATV Gen 1.
Re: Internet Radio
I lost the menu listing radio stations about a week ago so I'm not sure how connected it is to the iTunes store problem.
I checked for announcements but could find nothing although it is clear Apple are pushing this new radio function of theirs.
I found something on the web about adding stations to ATV Radio and followed that advice, which worked.
The Radio stations that were accessible from the ATV are the same ones listed on iTunes on my computer under the Music/Internet menu. I created a copy of them (could be all but I just chose the ones I like), created a regular playlist of them and a smart playlist of that and synced it to the ATV, because that's what the article said to do. It worked find but I ended up with both playlists on the ATV, the only difference being one is sorted alphabetically.
I still think it is a content server issue though, and to that extent related, as the Radio streams come from the servers operated by the stations themselves, whereas the list of them is provided by Apple.
Anyone get any live person at Apple who has even acknowledged the problem or proposed a fix?
I too noticed the issue. My Atv was also Firecore with automatic updates turned off. I initially thought my HD video card went bad so I put back the original card that was in the device before. That was not a fix. I did everything else everybody has done but it has not helped.
My videos are on my PC external HD and I use my Macbook as my shared, but I cannot even get the shared item to access. This is so wrong on so many levels.
Fortunately, my Windows 7 has media center with XBMC and that is a good supplement for me.
There appears to have been some progress from Apple.
My ATV now has the menu options working, except Radio, so the store is showing but I get a message to say the store is "currently unavailable, try again later" when I try to access a movie etc.
Playback is now working.
Same thing 1 st generation started about two three days ago
Same thing. I noticed that I had to go through some initial setup when I started it today. Hope they fix it.
apple tv does not access iTunes - 4/17/2014