Apple has NEVER reverted back to old systems. That would be a nightmare disaster for file systems, apps and so on. You don't solve an individual problem with an individual iPad by causing the entire infrastructure of Apple iOS systems and devices to go into a "nightmare status" ... LOL ...
No ... you solve that one individual problem and other problems ... on a case-by-case basis, as Apple does ... and as this forum of "users helping other users" do here.
And actually ... Apple is not doing anything to its customers with this iOS 8.0.2. That because the overwhelming majority are operating under it right now. And furthermore, even those here on this forum, who have had some problems initially, have been able to solve their problems and have a fully functional iPad ... and ... run iOS 8.0.2 at the very same time. And note here ... they have done this without Apple have had to make even "one single change" to iOS 8.0.2.
SO ... all this doesn't mean that you are not having problems, but what it means is that it is entirely and feasible for you to be running iOS 8.0.2 without Apple having to do anything ... and it only requires finding out what that glitch in your machine is (as others have, or else, completely cleaned their machine). It should be noted, too ... that in some case (and probably a very small number) there can be "hardware issues" which will affect things. The hardware, in that case, must be fixed (if it happens with you).
See this as just one example of how iOS 8.0.2 works for someone who did have a problem before ...
iPad 2 has major problems with iOS 8 [solved]