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IPAD2 very slow after IOS 8 upgrade

After IOS 8 upgrade many aplications ( Safari, Facebook, etc) load very, very slow (comparing with 7 version) , with a significant delay of more than 10 seconds...

Who can I solve this problem? Any workaround?


Apple should better test the software before delivering.


iPad 2

Posted on Sep 22, 2014 11:35 AM

1,085 replies

Nov 11, 2014 2:09 PM in response to lesliefromstockton-on-tees

lesliefromstockton-on-tees wrote:

No, it also does it on other sites. Anything that requires input, the first characters appear twice so its not just this forum.

Forum software can be used on many different sites. I have used the iPad on different sites and this does not happen with the others that I use, while happening here. And that is a clear indicator of different sites having different software.

This problem was identified here on this forum long BEFORE iOS 8 came out ... :-) ...

Nov 11, 2014 2:17 PM in response to Star Traveler

I'm interested too in all I can do to revive my ipad(s). Yes IPads as I experienced that my wife's IPad has been broken too! But I didn't notice she experienced the same issues due to a different level of using the iPad. But as she started to complain that facebook was so slow, she uses FB, next to some browsing and iMessage and Wordfeut, I checked whether she experienced the same issues although her IPad is one year younger then mine. And unfortunately this appeared to be so.

So, a real solution would be more then welcome. 🙂

Nov 11, 2014 2:18 PM in response to Zotlerg

Zotlerg wrote:

People are saying it's not fixing it though.

The people here on this forum who have talked to me, which are those who have followed my advice, have come back and said it has worked for them. BUT FURTHERMORE, I give a "methodology" that one should follow for "troubleshooting" and it's this methodology which will lead one to a solution, not only "the solution" itself.

It's also pretty bad with people loosing PDFs, with there being no warning about the possibility.

Apple has Apple Support documents explaining all the ins and outs of the backups. It's only a mystery to those who choose not to read up on what they're doing. I always give the Apple Support documents concerning the backups and it's in there.

This is - yet again - another example of people thinking that the "problem" lies in one area, when it lies in a totally different area. In other words some people want to say that Apple doesn't warn them ... when really ... the problem is that some people NEVER BOTHERED READING what Apple said about it ... LOL ...

Nov 11, 2014 9:07 PM in response to pacoKAS

I find it unconscionable that we have over 1700 people in this thread complaining about poor performance running iOS 8 on an iPad 2. I too made the mistake of believing Apple when they told us iOS 8 would run on an iPad 2. After upgrading, I find, as you folks do, that my iPad runs insanely slowly -- to the point of being unusable. All I want to do is revert to iOS 7.

What's even more astounding is Apple's refusal to re-instate the ability to restore iOS 7 for those running an iPad 2. I get that they're trying to force people to update, but has nobody thought about the tradeoffs between giving iPad 2 customers some slack vs. having a few thousand ****** off customers? It's not that it would be that difficult to write a process that checks the iPad model before it allows for the signed restore -- I'm sure Apple has engineers who could knock that out in a day or two.

Like many people here I've been working with computers since the 1970's, and have been through countless upgrades, but I'm appalled to find that Apple -- who was once known for being better than this -- has created an upgrade for which there is no option to restore. Shame on you.

Does anyone from Apple read these comments? Where's the product manager?

Unfortunately, all I'm accomplishing by posting here is letting of a little steam. It's obvious that nobody at Apple is listening. Great job, product team.

Nov 11, 2014 9:44 PM in response to seegeedubya

AmidoTC, Zotlerg, seegeedubya: have you tried to restore your iPad as a new iPad (instead of restoring it from a previous backup)?

You will have to reinstall manually the apps you need (and re-enter all passwords for your iCloud account, but also for accounts such as DropBox, Evernote, Gmail end so on, so make sure you have them). Just make sure that everything you need is either stored in a cloud, or if there are documents that are stored only on your iPad) you will have to back them up (using iTunes) before resetting the iPad. You will have to restore them manually since you won't be using your previous iPad backup.

Sounds like a lot of hassle but it may be worth it.

If you don't know how to do it I am sure you can post the questions here and you will get a lot of help.

Nov 11, 2014 10:25 PM in response to Maxipeg

As for troubleshooting, yes, I restored the iPad as a brand new device, with only the stock apps installed. I connected to my home Wi-Fi (Verizon FiOS business grade, quite fast) and found that simply loading the Google home page in Safari took > 6 seconds, and some apps (Settings, for instance) took as much as 15 sec to load. In iOS 7 the time for any tasks like this was negligible. Is there anything else I could try?

Nov 12, 2014 5:40 AM in response to petermac87

petermac87 wrote:

seegeedubya wrote:

Hi Peter

The 1700 number I mentioned is related to the 1st post in this thread.... As I write this, 1777 people have clicked the "I have this problem too" link.

Hmmmmm....maybe 900 of them solved their issues through the fixes posted so far. They have certainly not replied back to this thread.



If I didn't have the problems anymore, I would certainly click the "I don't have this problem anymore" link as a courtesy to others. Which makes me think, if JUST half of the people who ever clicked that button have removed it, there's many more that HAD a problem, but fixed it?

I wish I could click it about 300 times. Because that is how many iPads we have that have major problems.

Yesterday, I picked up 4 iPad 3s from a client that they had to replace (with another brand) so they could do simple work. They sent me away with the old tablets after the new ones were setup... They aren't coming on here and clicking a button saying they have problems. They didn't give them to me, they just asked that I find a way to fix them, and return them when done.

Nov 12, 2014 6:43 AM in response to joannefromarizona

joannefromarizona wrote:

I Havent tried anything yet, just joined in on the convo tonight. Kind of afraid to try. Don't want to lose everything. Although the only thing of any importance is my music and photos and those should be backed up on the cloud. I could care less about all the apps.

The key word is "should" (be backed up).... Others have lost data and been unable to restore it. People here have said to not rely upon the cloud or timemachine, etc. I agree with them. If it is important, back it up in some way. Amazon Prime now has free UNLIMITED photo storage, maybe you could use that to get your photos backed up outside the iPad and icloud. But after you are *SURE* that everything is backed up, then follow the steps to do the reload and you may notice that you get up to maybe 80% of the original speed back. A huge improvement over what you may be experiencing now for sure.

Nov 12, 2014 9:11 AM in response to JohnMHoyt

It's pretty careless behaviour of Apple, something should never get through beta testing if people are losing media files.

When people press the innocent update button on their pad, there is no message suggesting backing up their media. And you wouldn't expect to do it when you update your desktop computer OS, would you?

Maybe there should be a message like, "Update: Due to poor programming, you may lose some data, please back up and try again. Thank-you."

Nov 12, 2014 10:08 AM in response to pacoKAS

My iPad 2 is also slower after installing IOS 8.#, but I did read the warnings not to until it was vetted out a little more. Still, couldn't resist giving it a try. It's okay for me since the iPad 2 has been relegated as a secondary or more accurately a tersiary device now. I sympathize with the frustration but I'm glad to see that the iPad 2 is still supported at all. It's obviously had the longest supported product life cycle of any iPad so far. I got mine when it first came out so considering that it'll be 4 years old shortly, I've had mine for quite a while and it's served it's purpose well til now.

As bad as the situation is, I've seen much worse. For one, I find that every few years I need to get a new printer. Specifically, when Windows has a major upgrade because the printer manufacturer will simply choose not to develop a driver for the new OS. They could. It's not like printer technology has made any great leaps in processing power They just would rather say, buy a new one. Most Android phones and tablets get left in the dust after a one generation upgrade if even that. Given that, I think Apple has been pretty good at giving their IOS products a pretty long supported life cycle.

I guess what I'm saying is that I can understand that it can be hard to stretch the limits forward without leaving anything behind. Remember, the platform has moved to a 64 bit chip now which as it gets optimized will have features that the older devices can't possibly support. I imagine that means that the software needs to support hardware in multiple ways to do the same tasks and priority will probably set on the newer rather than the old. Probably not the answer you guys want to hear. But the fact is, the god that performed the miracles at Apple turned out to be a man and he died. The company is run by mere mortals after all. Rant as you like, but I'm sure they are working on it. They've already issued several updates. The alternative would be to say the update is not available to iPad 2's yet and you'll have to wait a few months in which case this form would have titled "IOS 8 very slow to come to iPad 2" and y'all would still be ranting.

Nov 12, 2014 10:58 AM in response to comochan

While I'm sure your comments are valid regarding some who are experiencing upgrade issues on the older iPads, I have to disagree that this is the norm. I know full well I'm running a 4-year-old piece of technology, and I don't expect it to be able to keep up forever. I can live with that. My rant is based on my belief that whomever decided to enable one to upgrade to iOS 8 on an iPad 2 should have taken into account the user experience following upgrade, regardless of whether the upgrade is technically possible. As it was, I mistakenly relied on Apple's assurance that an iPad 2 was a viable platform for iOS 8. It is my experience that while the new OS will run, it does so exceptionally poorly.

I would have been happier if Apple had simply excluded the iPad 2 from the upgrade, or had at lest provided a solution along the lines of "iPad 2 devices may or may not work with iOS 8, depending on your situation and the mix of apps you use. Here's how to upgrade try it out, and here's how to restore iOS 7 if you find your results are not adequate."

I agree with you regarding Microsoft doing similar upgrades -- it is not unusual with something as significant update to an OS to find that something does not work well. The difference, however, is that in the Microsoft world I could always revert, albeit painfully, if I did not like the upgrade. Apple has taken the ability to revert away, and that, in a nutshell, is why many of us now find ourselves carrying around devices that perform so poorly as to be useless in most situations.

Nov 12, 2014 11:03 AM in response to pacoKAS

NNot sure if this will help, but it worked for me. i did all of the suggested fixes, but nothing helped. My iPad warranty expired but my Airport Extreme warranty was still active. Since this was a connectivity issue, they talked me through a fix. I just changed the primary and secondary channels until we found a setup that worked. That was it. Now I have a speedy iPad mini again.

so, try changing channels on whatever router you have and see if it helps.

IPAD2 very slow after IOS 8 upgrade

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