Agreed. In this house: one iMac 27 inch, two iPhone 4s, one iPhone 5s, one iPhone 5c, three iPad 2, one (obsolete) iPad 1, one iPad Air to replace iPad 1 (yeah, got me there), two iPod Touch 2nd gen. But no more. Because I also have a Windows-based Toshiba laptop that is over 6 years old and gives me less problems than the newer iPad 2 with 8.1.2. Now the email app crashes on the iPad 2 with 8.1.1 and 8.1.2. This device was primarily used to check email out of the office. We don't care about the iOS 8-only apps. iPad resets are no help. I'm afraid to do a factory reset for fear of uncovering a new problem with the restore. I continue to search Apple-user forums in hopes of finding a solution. Apple products were attractive because they were supposed to be more consumer-friendly, but that is no longer the case.
Apple - Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. We are DONE buying Apple products in this house. Fortunately, we had only updated one of the iPad 2s to IOS 8 before we realized that was a mistake. Now we don't have the option of going back to IOS 7. Thankfully, there are better alternatives when we go to replace our phones, tablets, and computers. By selling us a 3-year iPad 2, that's just a shorter window for you to have me as an Apple customer. No iTunes cards will be gifted this Christmas. We won't dig ourselves into a deeper hole with Apple products.
(This is the same information I provided in the Apple Feedback link.)