I'm not sure that the problem is specifically to do with iOS8.3 though. Seems to me that what's happened is that the match process has screwed the meta-data that Apple has stored in the Match service in the cloud. Example (and there are many) from my recent experience : The Best of Barry White now features on song (Love's Theme) which is apparently by The Clash according to my iPhone and iPad (both on iOS8.3)!! Edith Piaf guest features on an Album called "Africanism" - which is a DJ compilation (and no she doesn't actually feature on this at all but shows up as an artist on that album - which incidentally is split into multiple albums on iOS).
So like many, I've been through the process of killing off all the Match songs, cleaning out the library, starting again with the Match service - to try and fix this problem. What I've noticed so far is:
1) Everything is absolutely clean in iTunes itself. Tags are correct, album and artist views are all correct.
2) On iOS (both iPad and iPhone) I have totally munged data - wrong artists, albums split etc. Now the thing that's interesting here is that the munging of album information is actually mixing up metadata from albums I have - so it's not ever matching any songs with albums I don't have at all. Which seems to imply to me that what's happening is that during the matching process, something (either in the Match Cloud or in iTunes) is incorrectly storing the wrong metadata for the album and/or artist when it's updating the cloud version of the meta-data. That's the only way I can see that the incorrect information is then managing to make it down to the iOS devices.
I haven't yet checked this, but it would be interesting to see if it's only happening with songs that are uploaded rather than matched. I'll check that out.
Anyway - I'm not convinced that an update to iOS8.4 will help. That's not going to correct things if it's the metadata in Match that's screwed. That would have to be done with a resync from iTunes again ... ? Wouldn't it?
Can anyone confirm if this same problem is/is not happening on non iOS8.3 devices (i.e. earlier versions of iOS). If we can isolate what's in common with this problem, then maybe we can help Apple sort it out. It's infuriating currently - and makes music almost unusable on iPhone/iPad.