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iPhone music app freezing, throwing me out, misbehaving

This is on an iPhone 6 with the latest iOS 8.4.1 as of today, running the music app with an account for the family. As I'm browsing and listening to music, the app threw me out after an hour or so complaining about an authentication failure, unable to log me in. Quitting and restarting the app didn't work. Getting to the iTunes and app store section was impossible as the settings app would freeze when I pressed this menu item. Rebooting the phone got it working.

I am seeing the app misbehaving at irregular intervals, with the screen just going blank with no music list or albums, but it doesn't stop playing what's already on.

At other times, selecting a song doesn't play it. The app appears to "think" about it for a while and simply gives up. Retrying 4-5 times gets it playing.

There's really no problem with my WiFi or net connection and I'm on a 200Mbps fibre line here. Just to test, spotify worked just fine with no glitches.

Are there any tips & tricks you have used to resolve these problems?

Posted on Aug 21, 2015 8:50 AM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Aug 21, 2015 9:54 AM

I have similar problems on my iPad air 2 .. it´s a 4g capable 128gb unit, and after 5 or so songs relayed via airplay the app stops responding. It hoggs resources like mad, notes app is lagging for example when this happens.

Takes up to 1 minute to recover from this, only sollution so far has been to reboot the ipad to be able to play another 5 or so songs.. Doubletapping home and ending the app does not fix it.

Also if I try to access music tab under settings, after freeze - and before reboot, the same thing happens. Settings app freezes, and music tab is unaccessible.

Streaming via Wi-Fi, or offline songs.. doesn´t matter.

Holy crap this last update has made a mess of this app.

THIS IS A RED FLAG BUG.... Should have been a showstopper in beta already 😟 😟 😟

178 replies

Aug 27, 2015 6:02 AM in response to jsquires1990

Glad you have engineers on the case. On another forum, a user was told that because the problems went away on restart, they couldn't help him, even though the problems came back again. 😮

I'm sure you already have, but have you mentioned that many people online are reporting an identical set of symptoms that you are? Hopefully this will encourage them to spread a wider net, and not just assume the problem is with your device/account.

As others have mentioned, I worry that the problem isn't iOS related at all and is something on the back-end, meaning that until that's fixed, not even iOS9 will resolve our issues 😟

As with all these multiple user issues, it's intriguing why some users are affected and others aren't. I would imagine if all 8.4.1 users were affected this would be a much bigger story. As it is, I've not seen one mention of it on any of the dozen or so Apple blogs I read.

Update : Just done a quick search for 'Appstore problems' on Twitter and there are pages and pages of people having the problems that we're all having also. Tell the engineers to check Twitter also! 😁

Aug 27, 2015 6:00 AM in response to jsquires1990

Ha! You and me both! If I wanted to beta test software, I'd at least go for the shiny and new.

You got that right: it's really strange how Apple's software, especially on their flagship devices, has been so ... it just hasn't been good. it's especially unsettling because it's not like they have to support multiple platforms and devices and manufacturers. Nope. They control the whole kit and they limit (drastically and sometimes unnecessarily) what they support. So, issues like this shouldn't be. Not to go too much on a tangent here, but I think it comes down to Tim Cook: I just don't think he's much of a CEO. And I'll stop there lest I go into a rant....

Back to the issue, I'm wracking my brain to recall if I did anything else that would explain our disparate experiences. I did reset my network settings. I ALMOST restored my device; I did NOT. I stopped before the software was downloaded. After that, that's when I signed out on my iPad, my iMac, and my MBA. I signed into my iPad first, then the iMac, then the MBA.

My gal did much the same: iPhone 6+ and MBA.

I don't think either of us have any obtuse apps, not that that should matter.

And that's all I got.

Hopefully your dinner and "trash TV" was better than fiddling with 8.4.1!


Aug 27, 2015 6:04 AM in response to Zazou

Yes i have made reference in past comments that they are fully aware how wide spread the issue is becoming. The advisor i have dealing with the case, has been emailing me every couple hours.

He has said the following 'i have raised this as an issue as a potential emerging fault but until apple confirm it we have to troubleshoot as normal.

regardless as your senior advisor il stay by your side until we find a solution'

I know somebody who actually signed up to the iOS 9 public beta and all the issues are gone! So bad software update i think. *DONT ALL JUMP ON THE IOS 9 Beta, ITS RISKY'


Aug 27, 2015 6:04 AM in response to Zazou


I think that you're right: I have been thinking it's something on Apple's backend, the way the accounts and passwords are stored and interact. that would account for why some are affected, some are VERY affected, and some aren't.

I've also not seen mention of it on any blogs. On forums, yes: MacRumors.com. I've seen no proper articles, though.


Aug 27, 2015 6:11 AM in response to AuPhalanx

Haha, well we could complain forever about the Tim Cook situation but frankly he isn't the OS engineer so don't really blame him.

I have done full restore to factory settings and then setup as new, and iv had a new handset from genius bar for good measure. If that doesn't fix it i don't know what else will.

Dinner and trash tv was a brill break from my iPhone and its S*** haha


<Edited by Host>

Aug 27, 2015 6:10 AM in response to ssgp

My o my, right while I'm working on my Mac with Jon Lord playing from Apple Music in the background, iTunes crashes! 😟 (No, I don't think its Jon Lord causing this trouble ...) However, this might indicate a backend issue on Apple Music side, too.

... Oops, Update: While I was writing this, like two or three minutes later, iTunes popped up all by itself and music is playing again. Magic. Totally crazy. I've never experienced such inexplicable behavior through all my years with Apple. Soon they'll be where Microsoft was 10 years ago ... No more "it just works".

(iTunes, Yosemite 10.10.5)

Aug 27, 2015 8:45 AM in response to AuPhalanx

There is an article from Forbes that mentions the issue. I can say with certainty that this is definitely not a server issue. I'm 99% sure it is a problem with the 8.4.1 iOS version itself. People still on 8.4 don't have these issues and neither do the people using 9. We have got around a month before the final version of 9 comes out and that is way too long of a wait. Apple needs to issue a 8.4.2 update ASAP.

Aug 27, 2015 9:27 AM in response to kensong

It looks like Apple may have resolved the issue for some or at least for me. Apart from a full backup, erase and restore via iTunes which didn't help, my Apple Music and App Store have suddenly behaved normally again for the last 18 hours. It looks like the problem described here and experienced by me is gone. Hopefully you guys will see the fix soon as this is a back end issue and nothing to do with your iPhone settings.

UPDATE: Well 24 hours later it reoccurred. Exact same symptoms. I note that if Apple Music streaming is working after a reset, my iPhone 6 will run hot and battery drains pretty fast. At this point you can update apps and access App Store and iTunes settings as well as Music Settings. If the iPhone cools down usually after a couple of hours, it also means I cannot update apps and App Store and iTunes settings as well as Music Settings becomes inaccessible. Another reset is required to get back Apple Music streaming (but at battery cost!).

I think it is a backend issue specific to batches of Apple ID and perhaps not just with update 8.4.1 since it is not reported in many popular blogs. But it has affected enough of us to be a real concern for Apple. Do they even read these discussions? My recommendation is not to go through the hassle of an iTunes erase and restore (I did that), or a Network Settings erase, or worst Erase all and start from scratch. IT WILL JUST COME BACK, so it'll be wasted time. Apple will have to do something or maybe the 9.0 once it's out of beta.

Aug 27, 2015 9:49 AM in response to ssgp


I was having the same issues and Apple Support couldn't really help me. So I just kept restarting my phone every time these issues came up, when all of a sudden after a restart the music app told me I have no music on my iPhone. So I checked the Usage Screen in the Settings App, where Music wasn't even listed anymore but the space (about 60GB) was still seen as used. I plugged it into iTunes and there it said I had about 50MB of Music and 60GB of "Others". 😮

Then I needed a drink, because I feared what I had to do: delete and restore my phone via iCloud Backup.. 😮

I tried restarting it a few more times, but that didn't change anything. So I put it in Recovery Mode and then restored it via iTunes. Then I selected "Restore via iCloud Backup". That was on Tuesday evening.

Now it is Thursday evening here and since it has about 31GB of 100GB restored and it is really super slow. I already spoke to the Apple Support again, but they couldn't help me and told me I needed to wait until it is finished, which can take a very long time. In the meantime I can't use my phone because Apps keep crashing, including the iTunes Store App, which is trying to download about 3000 songs right now… - I also can't use my Apple Watch, because Support told me that the Bluetooth Connection could also slow down the process. I deactivated iCloud Music Library because this might speed up the process of restoring Support told me, although there are still about 3000 songs about to be downloaded in the iTunes Store App… It has only restored 10 of 160 Apps on my device and I am really frustrated. Apple Support was really trying to help me, but there is obviously no other solution to this than waiting - even if it takes a week… (Maybe someone at Apple should think about how to speed this up, since memory spaces are becoming bigger and bigger and no one really wants to use cables anymore, especially not for daily backups… And when downloading from the iTunes Store on my Mac I certainly don't need 2 days for 30GB, so why does it take that long when restoring an iPhone?!)

I hope the restore is done soon and Apple finds a fix for this. I'm kinda anxious because I got my iPhone on launch-day and my warranty is going to expire soon (some days after iOS9 is supposedly released, which I hoped will fix these issues). I am an iPhone user since the first day the first generation iPhone could be bought and I am really disappointed right now. Sorry, I just needed to get this out of my system - hope no one else needs to go trough this annoying process due to these issues. Next time I will make regular backups via iTunes as well, just in case…😕

iPhone music app freezing, throwing me out, misbehaving

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