After updating iOS 9.3 my Apple ID has changed on IPhone ***?
After updating iOS 9.3 my Apple ID has changed on IPhone ***? I can't work on it!!!!!!
iPhone 5c, iOS 9.3
After updating iOS 9.3 my Apple ID has changed on IPhone ***? I can't work on it!!!!!!
iPhone 5c, iOS 9.3
I am having the same issue it says that my apple ID to activate my phone is a yahoo email that isn't mine.
Have something happened after that?
Can you give me your e-mail and we can discuss this problem?
of course my email is *******.com it is very frustrating to be locked out of my phone when I bought the phone brand new so I know that I am the first and only owner of the phone
<E-mail Edited by Host>
Can you write to the support for this problem? `Cause I can`t
Same situation here. My Dad got my device as brand new on May 2015 in Best Buy, Newark, NJ. Only maintained an Apple ID (since 2010ish), never registered for an iCloud. On update to 9.3 it won't accept my one and only Apple ID and in place is the s***** is the registered owner of the device. D:
iOS 9.3, iPad Air
Hopefully I can save you 3 hours on the phone with Apple. if you have proof of purchase you can go to an Apple Store and tell them you need your phone unlocked. They could do it over the phone but it takes 3-5 Days that way. I went to the Apple Store and in half an hour my pho was unlocked the manager made notes of the process because he never saw that before. He also was incredibly surprised we didn't need to restore the phone from a backup. Unfortunately with out proof of purchase or the password for the account you are sol. Even if it is your phone if you don't have either for security purposes they won't unlock the phone
hope it help
See the message above this. But the true situation is that Best Buy sold you a used phone, probably one that was returned. It's not the first time that has happened with non-Apple resellers, even authorized ones. Some carriers have done the same thing.
Can I write to the support? Because there are no any AppleCenter in my country and I can't call them
My daughter is having the same trouble today. It was my old phone. I have a different iphone. All accounts are linked with my apple ID for apps, etc. Have been for the last 2 years minimum when I got my new one and she got my old one.
She has updated it this morning and it has reverted back to an email address registered by a blackberry that we haven't used for 6 years. Before the update it was linked to my apple ID. Mine still is. I have removed her from find my iphone just incase (even though that's the new ID) and nothing has worked.
I have tried to reset the old apple ID through trial and error but when I try and log into this old 'orange' email address/Apple ID to reset the password, it is my deceased husbands DOB and his security questions, so we have no chance of resetting anything!!!
So its reset her phone with a bit of everybodys information.
Think we'll need to pay a visit to the Apple shop unless anyone has any other ideas?
After they unlocked it, did you lose your content or everything was there?
WE haven't been yet but I am guessing so.
WHen my son updated his (2 updates ago) it froze his on swipe start screen and it wouldn't unlock when we went into iTunes or anything. He went to apple shop and they done a full reset so he lost everything but nothing of importance was in there really.
DAughter is only 12. She has no major stuff on hers except contacts. But I'm guessing it will need completely factory reset. Told her no more iPhones in the house
nothing but trouble
Greetings Dimziq,
Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!
I understand that after updating your iOS device to iOS 9.3, your current Apple ID and password are not working to activate your device. In some cases, the hint that you see on the Activate iPhone screen may not match your current Apple ID.
We know that this situation can be frustrating, but we’re here to help. To troubleshoot this situation and work towards resolving it, please read over and follow the steps from the following article.
Hello, I did all things that I read at that link, but there are no helpful information.
I'm currently in the Philippines where Apple Geniuses are only glorified salespeople with no technical capacities whatsoever except resetting passwords. I went to the nearest Apple Store [3/22/16] soon as I saw this thread but I was just ignored for someone eager to buy a MacBook Air.
So in my case I might be better off with 3 hours on the line with Apple Customer Service than on a 2 minute conversation with inept staff.
After updating iOS 9.3 my Apple ID has changed on IPhone ***?