Have been having music from my library on my iPad Air start playing randomly as well as Siri starting up uninvited for a couple of months, but it’s gotten progressively worse with each update. Happens several times a day. Interesting to read this has been going on quite awhile with equally random results in attempts to stop this. I have removed Pandora, Bluetooth turned off, Siri turned off, etc, etc, no help. This is my husbands Ipad, and he does have the apple earbuds plugged in most of the time. Getting him to remove them is not an option. So far, I haven’t had this issue on my iPad Air Pro or our phones. This is now February 2018 and I’m wondering what it will take to get this bug fixed. It’s not rendering the Ipad unusable, but it’s a real annoyance to have to stop and manually close out music and Siri each time. Hoping someone will come up with a fix.