angushc wrote:
This seems to be the common factor - having multiple alarms. Several posters above mention it and have the exact same symptoms that I do. I wonder if some of the other posters with soundless alarms also have several alarms on.
For what it's worth, I generally have about 6-8 alarms set on my phone. They are all recurring. Right now I have six and four of them are enabled. I've never had mine fail.
Because of the fact that this has been a persistent issue over a number of years, devices and version of iOS, I suspect there are really multiple causes. Sadly, that combined with the fact that it affects a comparatively few number of people, means it's brutal to troubleshoot. And, I'm not dismissing anyone's problem by saying it happens to a comparatively few number of people. Obviously, if you're one of those people, it's a big problem. But, if it happened to most people who had an iPhone, it would probably have gotten solved ages ago.
Things that have been implicated:
Recurring alarms
Not having the time settings on the phone updating automatically
The fact that the way the volume settings work on an iPhone are less clear than they might be
And, all the human error stuff.
There are more I'm not remembering