These tools cost money and carry no guarantee of success. And I've never heard any success stories from people using these tools.
hey mate, I guess I may have figured it out. I was having the same problem, I tried hard reboot and restore, in the first go it got stuck, saying confirmation needed from phone, then I repeated the same process(hard reboot and restore) but without removing the cable, this time it got extracted and went bit forward, then stuck at verifying, then I did the same thing the third time, this time went bit forward and got stuck at apple logo, and showed progress bar(hope comes in), at the fourth repetition progress bar went to complete end and bingo it started restoring the factory setting.
I have no idea why/how it worked but it did, and my phone is alive again, probably it's worth a try for you too, I mean what do you have to lose, wish you luck.
Same issue. Phone mysteriously bricked not long after upgrading to iOS11. This will be my last Apple product.
glad to be the first 😁.. and I also used the free version and it worked!
its been more than 2 months and still same issue persisting...really disappointed to see what apple has turned into
Have you tried with a fresh windows xp/8 and itunes recently installed?
The stages you mentioned, describe my problem as well. I, too, am going to try it 4 times. Can you tell us which version of iOS 11 you tried to restore it with?
very useful!!! My phone is alive again! thank u!
Did it make any difference?
I had the same problem but persistence paid off... after 5-6 times the update finally went through!!! Be patient and just keep trying.
when exactly did this work because im going throught the same thing
Hi I still havent fix it, but ill try change the battery by my self, maybe is that...😟
Do post here and know if it worked
I did that, but that guy didn't even checked it, just tried restored it. and the next day, He told me the same: "Is the logic board, it doesn't make sense.
This worked for me, thank you so much!!!
how did you get an option to restore the iphone from a backup!?
Stuck at Verifying iPhone restore