Logan, only a small addition to jtonn's comment, the SWF problem discussed in this thread involves arbitrary, unintended and complete system reboots. Assuming this not being the situation in your case, it could be related to my previous comment, suggesting that the 10.13.5 also modifies the pmset parameters default values (possibly in an attempt to address the darn SWF). It is unlikely that people have kept records of what the settings were before their updates, but if someone has this could help corroborate my guesses.
If it turns out that an automatic and unannounced change of a setting is used to avoid rather than eliminate the SWF issue, in some cases it may not work and in others, like Logan's for example, it could even make things worse.
Requiring specific parameter value limitations, in order to avoid underperformance or malfunction, at the least should be officially documented, if not completely removed, as parameter ranges should work for all allowed vaulues for all users without product performance deterioration.