Yes, I saw your comments. I’d like to fix this issue without “resetting” my phone…
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Apple Support Communities Updates
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Redorchid4501
Subject: - Music App on lock screen
Apple Support Communities
KON228 has posted in the Apple Music on iOS community.
Music App on lock screen
Did you see my comments from Jan. 12? I was have this issue for quite some time but was able to fix the glitch by working with Apple Support.
Restarting my phone or deleting the music app only fixed it temporarily but I've had no more issues since doing the following:
I did a "settings reset"
Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings
AND check Notifications to make sure "Show on lock screen" is turned OFF
Settings > Notifications > Music app > Show on lock screen
This change in settings still allows the music/podcast etc to show player controls if the phone goes to sleep while you're using that app, but it won't show up if you're not using that app and won't come up every time the bluetooth connects to something (which seemed to be the trigger for my issues)
I hope this helps.
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