I'd like to use the strikethrough shortcut in Numbers. It seems that the solution for Pages doesn't work in Numbers.
My O/S is High Sierra.
MacBook Air, macOS High Sierra (10.13.3)
My O/S is High Sierra.
MacBook Air, macOS High Sierra (10.13.3)
Like Badunit is hinting at, you can create a keyboard shortcut for any menu item in any app in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts. Once you're there, select App Shortcuts in the left hand box and then click the small ➕ add button below the right hand box. Select Numbers from the dropdown list, and then enter exactly "Strikethrough" (without the quotation marks) in the Menu Title box. Press your desired key combination, and you're done!
Hi Robyn,
Try adding the shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts
In the dialogue shown below, select App Shortcuts, then click the + sign.
Type the name of the menu item you want the shortcut to toggle, then type the keystroke combination:
Press and hold Shift, press and hold command, tap -, release all three keys.
Close System Preferences, go to an Numbers document containing some text, and try out the shortcut.
Worked as expected using Numbers 3.6.2and OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan). YMMV.
I don't know what shortcut you are using in Pages. Mine shows no shortcut for Format/Font/Strikethrough in Pages. Did you create one for it in System Preferences? Whatever you are using in Pages, you can create the same thing for Numbers. Depending on what shortcut you used, it might conflict (and therefore override) one of Number's built-in shortcuts. Not that that is a problem, if you don't need a shortcut for whatever the built-in one does.
Thanks Barry, but no luck.
Hi iEvan, but no luck.
In Numbers, when you go to the menu item Format/Font/Strikethrough, do you see the keyboard shortcut you created? If not, there is a problem to be corrected.
I had to choose "Numbers.app" in the System Preferences>Shortcuts>App Shortcuts". Choosing "All applications" didn't work. Thanks for your help.
I'd like to use the strikethrough shortcut in Numbers. It seems that the solution for Pages doesn't work in Numbers.