iPhone updated without my permission
My phone iPhone 6 and 6s updated without my permission. My automatic update was off and now my iPhone runs much slower.
I hate apple now...
iPhone 6, iOS 11.2.6
My phone iPhone 6 and 6s updated without my permission. My automatic update was off and now my iPhone runs much slower.
I hate apple now...
iPhone 6, iOS 11.2.6
But did you see this dialog?
The update can not and will not happen unless you successfully enter your passcode to give permission.
Tens of millions of iOS users do not have the same experience as you.
I know it ***** to be wrong. But you are. It’s a simple FACT you are unwilling to accept. That’s fine. If you feel better believing the lie, believe it.
Yup. You’d think that would prevent an update too. But, nope.
Hey, I don't think we're crazy... my phone updated w/o consent this morning as well!
Smart thinking on the log question. If anyone is aware of whether it exists and how to access it, that’d be very helpful.
Troubleshoot this. People’s iPhones ARE in fact updateing without permission.
they even monitor the responses on these discussion boards thats how serious the ish is....
Yes, the Host monitor these forums to make sure that we all abide by the Terms of Use we all voluntarily agreed to when we registered. As I have no issue with keeping my word, I don't worry about it.
iPhone updated without my permission