This is not a problem, this is a virtue .
In instragram, messenger and even in iMessage ,you have this , and you can choose between seen the name or not.
In my case WhatsApp notifications always show the name and I don't want for example, I want like before that don't show the name only " Notification ".
Remember the old Nokia's for example comes " message " when you received a text message only.
In my humble opinion and that is also constructive criticism people around you when you drop the phone on the table or desk, doesn't have to know who text you , this is one of the good things android have that iPhone doesn't , a light showing even which type of message, mail, instragram message, etc etc, you receive.
Phone is a private handset, people can choose whether or not to show what only corresponds to you and unfortunately in iPhone you don't have that chance, or you show or you hide but u don't have any notifications in display for that , only by vibration or sound you know you received a sms, email etc etc.
So with this new updates from instragram you can already kno