helpme705 wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, I think before I go through that process and possibly loose everything on my phone I will see what others do to fix the problem. I'm not super technical when comes to backups or restores, I have lost stuff in the past.
I routinely erase my device and restore it and have never lost anything. If you want to make sure everything is backed up, use iTunes.
But my iOS devices back up to iCloud every day pretty much, and I always restore from my last iCloud backup and everything is back in place. However, I use all Apple services, so if your mail, notes, etc. are a different vendor, then iTunes would be the safer way to go.
And again, you have a scenario where you have identical phones and identical iOS versions and they are acting differently. That is a strong argument for making sure your data or apps is not causing your problem.
The process does not take a lot of time (except for the download of purchases which is done by the backup process, so there is nothing you have to do to make it complete that step except be patient). I know it seems like a lot and I felt the same way about going that route until I started doing it for testing purposes. Now, as long as I am sure I have a current backup, I just erase the phone and set it up again.
When you indicate that you lost things when you erased and restored from a backup in the past, can you specify what kinds of things you lost? Because when you restore from a backup, the device should look exactly like it did when the backup was made.