Unable to Reset MacBook Air
I am trying to 'factory reset' my mid-2013 11" MacBook Air ... and the first time, I was able to use Command-R at restart and had the recovery options menu come up. I incorrectly clicked on 'Reinstall MacOS', which actually went great - but there was never a confirmation so I couldn't cancel to do what I wanted - which was erase and reinstall.
I figured I would just have to repeat the process - but once the install was done, I have been unable to get the system to respond to keys on restart. I mean, ANY keys - not just the Command-R thing, but the Option key, Command-Option-R, Command-Option-Shift-R ... and even the zapping PRAM Command-Option-P-R thing. I have tried restarting, shutting down and restarting - even shutting down, waiting a while and then restarting. All to no avail.
I have checked my updates and the Mac is on High Sierra 10.13.6, all of the keys by themselves work fine when I am running inside MacOS ... just no options at restart.
Any thoughts?
MacBook Air, macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)