Convert Text To Table On Pages
How can I convert text to a table using Pages 7.1, MacOS High Sierra 10.13.5
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), macOS High Sierra (10.13.5)
How can I convert text to a table using Pages 7.1, MacOS High Sierra 10.13.5
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), macOS High Sierra (10.13.5)
Like everything to to do with Pages 5/6/7 this is a pain in the neck, Copy and Paste all goes into the one cell, and when you go to Pages Help it shows you the Pages 7 icon
but clicking on Working with Tables takes you to the Pages '09 instructions where there was a menu option to convert Text to a Table.
Good one Apple!
You click once to select the first cell. If you click twice, then you will see the insertion beam inside the cell, and you will get the wrong result as you have shown.
Copy the tab delineated data, select the first table cell, and then Edit menu : Paste and Match Style. This will populate and expand the table as expected, with one number per cell. Tested with Pages v7.1 on macOS 10.13.6.
I have updated the User Tip to make note of the preceding paragraph.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I've followed your text to table procedure multiple times.
Here's the procedure I used:
1. Created text with delineators and a 2 cell table
2. Selected and copied text (cmd+c)
3. Clicked once on the first cell then copy pasted the text (cmd+v)
And here is my result
Your help is much appreciated.
Here is previous post of mine that deals with text to table and table to text using Pages v5. Same drill for Pages v7.
Thanks Viking,
Your procedure worked perfectly!
You are welcome.
Convert Text To Table On Pages