How to Reset PRAM and SMC
With my new MacBook Pro MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, 4 TBT3), macOS Mojave (10.14.1), Rest SMC and Resetting PRAM/NVRAM
I have had the need to reset these and had failed. I was using the directions from my 2011 MacBook Pro. However, I once down loaded these directions with finger on the keyboard directions; they were sent via a AppleCare agent months ago. Unfortunately my New 2017 MacBook Pro went into a tizzy and two hours later it went to reset the language and wanted to back up from Time Machine... Had a stroke and came back to restart and wait for the system to allow me to reboot from OS system...
So, I am asking someone who knows what they are doing and thinking to help me by attaching the correct Apple links for me to print and cover with a plastic cover to protect. For this 2017 MacBook Pro running on Mac OS Mojave 10.14.1 please!
This will be greatly appreciated, I am not an expert, I just like to know that what I am going to do is the correct way and not what had happened the other day!
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MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, 4 TBT3), macOS Mojave (10.14.1), Rest SMC and Resetting PRAM/NVRAM