Unless you can provide repeatable means for reproducing the issue, SpectrumAmiga6128, there is nothing worth contacting you about.
Instead, it will simply be noted, and numbered among those things that Apple engineers will keep a lookout for, but, unless they can reproduce it, they cannot do anything about it: “mysterious”, intermittent issues/problems are notoriously the most difficult to fix, let alone even know that such has been even affected by various changes.
In almost all cases where I had reproducible issues, Apple engineers have contacted me for further information, records of instrumented runs, and files that reproduce the issue.
Subsequently, while the issue may not be completely eradicated, Operating System (OS) and App updates have improved upon the issue.
(Admittedly, I have had experience in troubleshooting, both hardware and software, both with computer based systems as well as human and other physical systems. However, it’s not like the Apple engineers know any of my experience. It simply means I know what the problem solvers need.)