Macbook Pro 15" 2016 Battery Issues
The MAC was fully charged and plugged-in, went blank and would not power up. This happened once before a few months back, apple techs did SMC reset and NVRAM reset, and something else that took 30 minutes and was churning the fan at full speed, and then it started working normally and no defects were found.
This time I did SMC and NVRAM reset, say replace battery with 0% in the charge level, and Battery infor in system report is as under:
Model Information:
Serial Number: D867123B199HDWCA0
Manufacturer: SMP
Device Name: bq20z451
Pack Lot Code: 0
PCB Lot Code: 0
Firmware Version: 702
Hardware Revision: 1
Cell Revision: 3925
Charge Information:
Charge Remaining (mAh): 0
Fully Charged: Yes
Charging: No
Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 6369
Health Information:
Cycle Count: 421
Condition: Replace Now
Battery Installed: Yes
Amperage (mA): 0
Voltage (mV): 12944
How can it be fully charged and Amperage(mA) be zero? This is too early for battery to fail has on;y 421 cycles.