iTunes is a bit poorly designed. I mean, it has great features, but so many things broke along the way. I don't think they planned it very carefully leading to a lot of frustration among users.
At least I love the capability to use vbscript with iTunes, I create lots and lots of scripts to organize my music. For example, I created a script that checks if the image for tracks that belong to the same album is identical, if it's not, then I pick the best image and attach as cover in the tracks where the image is not exactly the same.
I also do the opposite process, if two tracks have the same artwork, I check if the album tag is really the same.
That and a whole lot of other things. It's very tiring to clean up tags, standardize them, when your library is so large, and mp3 tagging is not an exact science, so many tags may not be right, covers may not be right, year may not be right.
The amount of mp3 files put out there by the world creates a lot of chaos and misinformation when it comes to tags.