no, what I'm saying is that you can no longer display duplicates, I think they based that on artist/title. Two tracks with the same artist/title could be shown as duplicates, using Display Duplicates.
You can no longer delete multiple covers, and here's why this triggers me. I can remove covers outside of itunes, but then itunes doesn't recognize tags that were removed, it keeps them in the tracks.
For example, you remove the album tag Into the dragon outside of itunes, itunes doesn't update it to blank.
You remove the cover of album Into the dragon, itunes doesn't update the cover to blank.
Usually, the way I found to force tags to be update is to export the itunes db as a text playlist, but it doesn't work for tags
that were remove, it only works if tags were changed.
It detects changes based on the modified date, probably, but it doesn't care for removed tags, it doesn't update them to be in sync with the actual id3_v23 tag.
What software is that shown above?
That is my itunes music db exported from itunes to an Excel file and then imported into a table in SAS.
Rating is definitely the track rating, I didn't export the album rating.
I have a vbscript that saves a selection of fields from itunes into an excel, so I can analyze and manage it.