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iPhone 11 screen scratches

my wife and me have put our brand new iphones 11 inside our pocket pants and both screens get scratched the second day of use (mines right in the selfie camera, apple says “without mal function”...). Has someone experimented somethg similar? We are really dissapointed, apple only cares if you have bought “apple care”....we cant use the screen without a protection: worst screen ever....👎

[Re-Titled by Moderator]

iPhone 11

Posted on Sep 25, 2019 8:01 PM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Sep 28, 2019 3:36 PM

The same happened to my iPhone Pro. I just got it yesterday and kept it in a pocket with nothing else. Less than a day later and there's already a scratch. I didn't have this problem with the iPhone X.

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3,017 replies

Oct 25, 2019 5:49 PM in response to kpfoley

There are few possible reasons

  1. It is issue in QC of manufacturing so only a few people get it.
  2. Most people who buy IPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max would put on the screen protector
  3. Only a small number of people who would not put the screen protector on so it explains why they are here in the forum.
  4. A small number of people does care or they so rich that spending time is not worthy for them

Oct 29, 2019 9:53 AM in response to cha0z_

Well if you're going to discount The Verge, type "Android screen scratches easily" into your favorite Internet search engine and enjoy your reading.

Just for fun:

The Galaxy S10 even comes with a preinstalled screen protector:

Are you keeping the Galaxy S10's pre-installed screen protector on?

Nov 6, 2019 3:28 PM in response to karsa

Yes, it is. If when the buttons fell off, they didn't crack or break.

What is so hard to wrap anyone's head around the fact the glass is tougher. Meaning it's harder to break. But TOUGHER in this sense DOES NOT mean it can't be scratched.

And for the fit to use camp, that doesn't work either. Cosmetic issues have nothing to do with the phone's ability to work as a phone. In fact, I'm willing to bet the only time the scratches bother anyone is when the screen is off. When it is on, I'm betting the scratches don't effect anyone's ability to navigate around the screen or detract from the images or videos being seen on the screen.

Apple doesn't guarantee iPhone's from cosmetic damage. If you scratch your phone, you have the following options:

  1. Put a screen protector on the screen and stop worrying about this
  2. Or pay to replace the screen
  3. Or if you are within 14 days from purchase, return the phone for refund

Otherwise these posts aren't helping any of you. Either take your issues to Apple directly, do the above or live with the scratches. Apple isn't going to comment here on anything. They never do. They don't participate in this forum other than to moderate and on occasion remove posts which violate the terms of use we all agreed to when we joined the forum. You can continue to be a "me too" poster, but other than make you feel better, it's not going to get you anything.

Nov 8, 2019 8:14 AM in response to valentine256

Then take your gripe to Apple directly. This forum is not going to help you as has been said over and over and over and over.

Your options are simple:

  1. Schedule an appointment at your Apple Store Genius Bar
  2. If they can't help you, put a screen protector on your phone to stop new scratches from appearing
  3. Or pay to have the screen replaced, then put a protector on the new screen
  4. Or if you are within 14 days, return the phone for full refund
  5. Or if you are not within 14 days, sell your phone as it's not making you happy

But continuing to argue your point here isn't going to get you any resolution at all.

Nov 9, 2019 10:09 AM in response to Domdodo

I have helped by explaining facts.

  1. Glass scratches period
  2. Screen protectors stop iPhone screens from being scratched
  3. If someone chooses to carry a naked screen, they may get scratches and clearly some have
  4. Apple isn't here reading these posts for any reason other than violating the terms of use
  5. Complaining here isn't helping anyone and isn't getting Apple's attention on this user to user ONLY forum
  6. People should take their iPhone directly to Apple and see if Apple will do anything to help them
  7. If Apple won't, which they have for the most part not done (only a few people have posted Apple gave them a one time courtesy replacement), they can then put a screen protector on their phone to avoid further scratches
  8. Of, if someone really can't stand the scratches and they have AppleCare+ they can use one of their warranty claims and have the screen replaced for $29 or significantly more if they don't have AppleCare+.
  9. If within 14 days of purchase, they can also return the phone for full refund and get something else they may like better

This is reality and the ONLY help ANYONE can really offer in this thread. Otherwise, it's just a "me too" thread which isn't helping any of you.

Nov 25, 2019 5:23 AM in response to karsa

Long update w/ timeline (for summary, see above):

  • On 25th Sept: Bought my new iPhone 11 Pro Max at a third party store, (also an authorized repair centre, no official Apple Stores in my country).
  • Within a few days, in spite of very careful use, I became aware of several microscratches, which baffled me, as I had no memory of my previous iPhones scratching with this level of attention given to take care of the screen [I never put the phone face side down on any hard or dirty surface, just soft fabric, and only every put it in my clean pocket that was free of any other items]
  • At first, I put these down to "being unlucky / my finger must have collected a grain of sand", but more severe scratches followed, even more noticable than any on my previous iPhone models (which, while I've certainly taken care of, in their final days they were subject to much more, including accidental face down drops on concrete and stone), so by the end of October, I decided to order a slim but durable tempered glass protector, in the end, you must do as you need.
  • On 3rd Nov, I came down with the flu while abroad. On the car ride home, I put the phone in my pocket, with a bunch of used Kleenex (the very brand, if someone cares). This is when multiple large "scratches" showed up seemingly out of nowhere that looked like finger smears that wouldn't come off. At this point, I lost the "it must by my fault/bad luck" attitude; these scratches were so noticable, ugly and visible, that I still can't fathom what might have caused them had the screen been free of fault. Regretfully, I never made a picture, but it looked as if someone went at it with a rotary buffer (only the "scratches" were pretty random in shape and orientation). By this time, I didn't bother to put the screen protector on.
  • On 6th Nov (having been down with the flu) I took it to the store, where I was informed that cosmetic damage is not covered by warranty, but since the decision is not in their but Apple's hands, they'll send it abroad to Apple's repair facility to be inspected. Their technician also informed me that should Apple rule against me I would A) get an offer for a replacement B) be able to follow up on Apple Support.
  • On 12th Nov, I received a text stating the phone's been repaired and can be collected, which turned out to be misworded as an additional e-mail clarified that "no repairs were needed that are covered by warranty", so I took it upon myself to contact Apple Support and inquire about what tests Apple's technicians have done. Here, I hit a wall; while the support guy super helpful, it turned out that as far as Apple could see the phone had never been sent in for repairs! I then contacted the store to clarify what was going on and to ask for the price offer I was promised.
  • In the following weeks At first, the store'd given me a local phone number claiming that it was Apple Support, but since I couldn't find it anywhere on apple.com I refused to call it. Then it turned out that Apple couldn't see any repairs because it was the store's technicians who inspected the phone. Naturally, I then asked why they previously claimed that the decision was out of their hands, to which they replied the store assistant ought not know every detail about servicing, then ignored me when I wrote that it was actually their technician that informed me. I also asked what tests they'd conducted, but never received a reply. In the end, I did get an offer for roughly 460 USD (which I didn't even reply to), and finally, a notification that my phone was sent for repairs to an official Apple repair facility after all.
  • On 21st Nov, I received the same text and e-mail as before, this time stating: "Repairs done: ???". I messaged the store to clarify what that meant and received a reply the next day stating that Apple had in fact replaced the screen.
  • On 22nd Nov, I collected my phone which had a shiny new screen. I tried to inquire about what the ruling was based on, but failed to coax a statement out of the store employees, while their repair technician somewhat smugly and cripticly implied that the screen must have been replaced not because of the scratches but some other fault Apple must have found. In the end I let it be and left (on reasonably good terms, I think).
  • On 25th November, I once again contacted Apple Support, trying to get any information about the ruling and any records about what tests were conducted on the phone in the repair facility, unfortunately I've been told that they have no access to such information: they can only see when the phone was sent in, what it was sent in for, and whether a repair was done and completed.
  • So: new screen, free of charge, but no information as to what the technicians may have found. Still, under the circumstances, to me a free replacement implies that they've found something wrong with either the screen or its protective coating, the problem is, I now have no means to find out what this fault was.

Dec 12, 2019 1:51 AM in response to cha0z_

Guys, no need to be fighting over here.

Also this @rbrylawski guy is probably an Apple Fan Boy doing his job and getting points on the Apple Forum to grow his level (or whatever that means).

Truth is: all the people complaining here are probably Apple users for quite some time and kept on buying their iPhones either every year or every other year. Nevertheless we are consumers disappointed with a promise that has been made to us. Which is fairly fine since the Ads do portrait an iPhone without protection going through everyday life without a single tear to it, correct?

Well, I'm not alone apparently on the complaint that we had our iPhones 11 or 11 Pro Max scratched within the first days of NORMAL use (mine was within 24 hours - my iPhone 8 continues intact without screen protection ever). So this is statistically a proven case that either:

  1. There's a bunch of bad intentioned people who drops their phone into sapphire (or level 6/8) components and want their money back after misbehaving. OR
  2. There's a bunch of consumers who have been mislead to believe that: Buying a product advertised as a daily accessory resistant to the possible conditions of normal usage without EXTRA protection devices was worth their money.

I prefer to believe the second and I guess Apple should probably have a look into it (or doing already). So I encourage whoever else had this issue to come and continue posting here.

We are consumers and business is only business if this both way transactions keep on happening in a healthy level for both us and companies. If one of the sides breaks the deal, business won't go that well.

Let's be hopeful for a solution soon, and not defend the purchase of stuff to go around the phone at an extra cost just because what we've been offered doesn't comply to the promise.


Dec 20, 2019 2:39 PM in response to Den999

If you're expecting a statement, it won't be forthcoming, or at least not here.

In the mean time, if Apple is not replacing them, that's an official statement because it's that's Apple's decision.

Local Apple Store reps don't just make the decision to "not replace," an in fact are inclined to replace just to keep customer satisfaction high.

Oh, and when people buy a Ferrari, you'd better believe they have the entire vehicle wrapped in clear bra material to protect it if it's actually going out on the road regularly and isn't just going to be stored in a garage somewhere.

Some don't, but they also know this means regular paint touchups and total repaints.

Dec 25, 2019 9:49 AM in response to pilot25

  • They’re not $50 and if money is an issue for you, Spigen makes great protectors for much less money which will protect your phone likely just as well.
  • Not a sucker either. I’m walking around with a phone with zero scratches and I’m not here complaining about scratches.
  • Vindicated? Not at all. I feel smart for protecting the phone I paid $1249 cash for. Even better is the Oleophobic coating on the Belkin protector installed precisely by Apple, shows far fewer finger prints. Less smudges and great protection from scratches. Win Win!

Jan 17, 2020 10:35 AM in response to valentine256

So, after 142 pages of discussion we have discovered that the only two persons who state that the glass is absolutely perfect are:

  • a bloke who alleges he has put a mobile phone under an electronic microscope, therefore destroying it;
  • and a bloke who has put his iPhone into a heavy-duty alien looking protective device, and covered every inch of glass with some kind of shield.

The others, have some kind of issue with their iPhones.

This must mean something. Can't be a coincidence.

Apr 4, 2020 11:23 AM in response to MichLow

In the future, Apple could design their screens to have two layers of glass:

  1. a seamless top layer that is highly scratch proof and easily replaceable, akin to a built-in screen protector. The keyword here is seamless, as none of the 3rd party screen protectors go edge to edge with seams you cannot feel or see.
  2. the actual laminated display that is highly shatter-proof.

For the price of a top-end iPhone, such screen protection (scratch and shatter resistance) should be integrated in the design.

Jun 28, 2020 7:34 AM in response to Dogcow-Moof

Toughest glass ever on an iPhone.

Claim that together with this Apple video, https://youtu.be/H4p6njjPV_o and you give a really wrong idea about the phone's resistance to everyday wear & use, such as:

  • putting the phone in your jeans pocket (in the video)
  • having the phone tumble around in your purse with other objects (in the video)
  • talking to the phone with earrings (in the video)

Previous iPhones could have taken that kind of use without a scratch on the screen, these phones cannot.

What Apple should have mentioned is "toughest, softest glass ever on an iPhone" and strongly advised the use of a screen protector or else have the value of your phone drop overnight with the advertised use.

Oct 28, 2020 9:49 AM in response to lobsterghost1

Tests have shown again and again that the iPhone 11 screen is strong enough to resist materials up to about Mohs 6 (and the iPhone 12 will resist to between 6 and 7.)

Unfortunately, the most common component of sand/gravel debris in pockets and just blowing in the wind is granite, which is between Mohs 6 and 7.

Just for fun:

iPhone 11 screen scratches

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