Well, I purchased 11 pro max 256 green yesterday. It's manufactured between 14-20 October by serial number, so it's recent. When I removed the protective cover in my home and inspecting the screen with the flash light of my note 9 - 3 tiny scratches close to the power button... great start. :)
Will not return it just for that as they are from the tiniest type, i.e. can't see them without direct bright artificial light next to them, but it leaves bad taste given the phone price tag. If new one develops in the 14 days return window, I will return it for a new one and use a protector on it or take another phone altogether (I can use both android and ios, no problem for me regarding that one - I pick my phones more based on the device itself).
Will keep you updated. Everything else with the phone is great - no sharp edges, no speakers distortions, no screen brightness unevenness and so on. I hope that the screen holds (given that it comes with tiny scratches, I am kinda worried). I am extra careful with my phones - face up, alone in the pocket, I don't even leave them on hard surface - only soft one, I don't have anything on the exit of my left pocket on any of my jeans, I wear normal jeans with normal pockets, I clean my phone pocket after washing from anything in there (yep, including lint)... so, we will see.