iPhone Firmware corrupt when trying to update to iOS 13.1
iPhone 8. Updated to iOS 13 using the OTA update last week, and today saw 13.1 was out but had received no notification. When trying to manually push the OTA update I received an error about not being able to contact the update server, and after googling saw plenty of people were seeing similar messages for this update and could update fine via iTunes.
Connected to my Mac and was prompted to download 13.1, downloaded without issue. Once it started the install, I got a message that my iPhone firmware was corrupt and to re-connect the device. Following this advice annoyingly made it re-download the 3GB update file and I got the same error again.
I've restarted the Mac, restarted the phone, soft-reset, etc... The iPhone is working fine right now, but can't seem to resolve the issue.
I am also worried about trying to restoring the phone since I have seen a number of posts about not being able to restore after getting a similar issue with iOS 13, so doing this may just mess everything up more.
The phone is working fine now, I just can't update. Has anyone come across this issue or know a way to resolve it short of factory resetting--which may not work and I am very hesitant to try, given what I have seen on these boards with this error and restoring devices.