HELP: Output Audio Keeps Failing
Something is causing my sound output to fail whenever I'm using Logic Pro X. I'm typically just playing with different instruments when it happens, but when it does sound just stops coming from my monitors and the audio level drops. This problem only happens while using LPX, but when it does it affects all sound from computer i.e. I wouldn't be able to play a youtube video; I'd just see a spinning circle.
To fix the problem I can either re-plug my audio interface (NI Komplete Audio 6) OR reinitialize core audio in Logic Audio Preferences. However, the problem has gotten very repetitive. I've looked into compatibility issues with my interface in OS Catalina, but NI has said that the new firmware is supported.
I can't recall having this problem before, but if I did it's gotten way worse since Catalina update. I've been up and down several forums to find posts describing similar problems, but the few posts that I've found, offer fixes that have all failed. Now I'm posting my first forum post hoping someone will come to the rescue.
Also, could be unrelated but based from several other forum posts I've found, I have reason to believe that the problem only occurs after mac book has gone to sleep. This could be possible, however the problems happens so sporadically it's hard for me to tell. I can say it typically happens when I start working on production, a lot more frequently, in the evening times opposed to practicing on logic factory piano.
I hope that's detailed enough that somebody can find a solution 🥵
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.15