I cannot get the iPad to go into recovery mode.
Ipad kept recycling. Tried hard reset several times. Ended up in recovery mode and connected to mac. Failed with error 40. Now, I cannot even get back to recovery mode (pic of plug into ipad with apple.support.com/ipad/restore at top of screen).
It does show up to the mac and it tells me it needs to update or restore. I always try update. The progress circle on the mac next to the mounted ipad moves and completes. ON the ipad itself, I have the apple logo and a non moving progress bar...and then I get the error 40 on the mac. As long as I don't unplug the usb cord or do a hard reset, the apple logo and non moving progress bar remain but it is no longer mounted on the mac.
Very Frustrated!!
I checked the console and log and it gives a lot of stuff but does say at the end...
[15:27:59.1087] ==== end of device restore output ====
[15:27:59.1090] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
[15:27:59.1258] <Restore Device 0x7fed1915bfe0>: Restore failed (result = 40)
[15:27:59.1259] Can't send dump_console command since device is not in recovery mode
[15:27:59.1260] AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 40
[15:27:59.1262] Finished RestoreOS Restore Phase: Failed
[15:27:59.1263] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR - [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:0 (current state)]
[15:27:59.1267] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Error'
[15:27:59.1267] State is now set to error: AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 40
[15:27:59.1277] Restore completed, status:40
[15:27:59.1277] Restore Checkpoint Fingerprint: 060D.0028
[15:27:59.1277] Failure Description:
[15:27:59.1277] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 40
[15:27:59.1277] Depth:1 Code:40 Error:Failed to handle message type StatusMsg
[15:27:59.1277] Depth:2 Code:40 Error:storage device did not become available
iPad Air, iOS 12