First, Mo7805 and @All, as has been pointed out, here, to y’all, multiple times: all photos and other files are attached, regardless how it may appear due to formatting of rich-text (using HTML, by the way, just like for web-pages).
If you are using email strictly for file transfer, you are using the tool for a purpose for which it was not actually designed.
Sorry. Simply the truth of the matter.
There are other tools that were designed more specifically for file transfer purposes.
Especially for business uses, one should learn to use the right tool for the job, rather than simply using the wrong tool just because that’s what you’ve been doing, ‘till now.
I’ve use email for business-like purposes since the early ‘80s.
For business purposes, since the ‘90s, we tended to only use plain/text emails in responding to correspondence using that format. Otherwise, we always used rich-text (HTML).
As time passed, the plain/text usage diminished rapidly.
(Incidentally, while I have worked for many different companies, during my “career” [so-called], I have never worked for Apple or any of its suppliers, or other associated companies. At this point, I’m retired, and glad of it.)