I’ve tried being part of the beta program, and they give you the “feedback” app and I’ve literally never seen or heard Apple take any of the “smaller” issues into consideration.
My brother also got a new phone for a gift, literally yesterday (iPhone XR -> 11) and he’s the person I didn’t see the message from. So i kind of assumed maybe his new phone hasn’t been completely set up or something. But I also haven’t gotten text notifications in banner style from any of my other family members all day. I have gotten push notifications though, which is why I thought it was just my brother.
I do have previews turned off in lock screen unless my phone is unlocked so i kind of thought maybe it was that?
Of course, literally the ONLY text notifications I have gotten today that have bannered, pushed, and shown up in my lock screen are from “unknown” numbers or recurring texts messages (e.g., D2L texting me when my grade is updated.)
So, Apple’s move next I suppose.