Phuc90 Said:
"Purchase date is not valid: Hello, how are you today, one of my friend just bought the new iphone 12 Pro Max but when we adtive the iphone and check the serial number. It said that the purchase date is not valid. Can you please help me out. Thank you very much for your time"
Contact Apple Support:
What you describe seems to be a glitch in the Apple device database. Note that these are User-to-User forums. No one here has access to your Apple account (and that is a good thing, by the way). So, you need to take this up with Apple Support, and see where things go from there. They will see this from their end, and will run you through the fix.
Contact Apple Support:
Screenshare with Apple:
Based on everything you mentioned, this is something you need to share with Apple Support. So, if you need to prove something to them, then perform screensharing session with them. You would use the iSight Camera on your iPhone or Mac to perform the screenshare what you are seeing. If need be, however you iPhone over your Mac's camera, or if need be, use your own iPhone, and hover its iSight camera over the receipt. Also, show the method of Payment to the Apple Staff. Use what is on these links:
Go Here: