Facetime not working on MacBook Pro but iPad & iPhone work perfectly. 7 months and no solution. Basically just stare at MacBook while I pay for it.
I need help! I spent over 23 hours since Dec 23,2020 on techsuport calls, chats, remote screen share and have even given control of machine over the a tech support stranger. Luckily it is new so nothing is on it but contacts. My phone and iPad work great together. This MacBook does NOTHING!
Even when support is on the line talking me through "writing code in terminal mode" nothing is fixed after. I can FaceTime anyone I want from the MacBook Pro but I cannot receive anything. I have MacBook Pro, iPhone 8+ & iPad 4 mini. All 3 are updated to latest operating system, all are the same network, all have handoff turned on and all have bluetooth on and MacBook Pro shows connected to iPhone, Air Pods Pro & iPad in the bluetooth. HELP ME!!!! PLEASE. I am an 8 month COVID + SURVIVOR and I asked for this for Christmas bc all my Dr appts are Virtual on Zoom or FaceTime. I was going blind on phone.
I know it must be a setting somewhere but I have all 3 devices sitting side by side and am going thru them screen by screen. Nothing is working!! I would appreciate any help you can give me. I am just done with 6h47m on tech support call every time. the chats and screen share sessions are enough to drive you INSANE. I just hope someone out there somewhere has the answer to this problem!!
God Bless & Thank you for any help! Really, it would. be GREATLY appreciated.