iMovie vs Monterey - major problems
iMovie does not work if you upgrade to Monterey. Be forewarned! I opened a ticket and it is a known problem. Ugh! Must wait for new update either Monterey or iMovie app. Please Apple, you're better than this.
iMovie does not work if you upgrade to Monterey. Be forewarned! I opened a ticket and it is a known problem. Ugh! Must wait for new update either Monterey or iMovie app. Please Apple, you're better than this.
Started a thread here too. I can't open projects in my iMovie library -- gets stuck on "Loading" with the spinning beach ball. Assuming that's the same thing you're seeing, I'm actually glad to hear that it's a known problem, so it's not just me...
I was using iMovie 10.3 (the version that came out a week or two before Monterey) under Big Sur without issues, so my guess is that it's something to do with Monterey.
Yep, I have this too. Painfully having to open a 450gb Library, and then attempted to move some important stuff to a new library so it’s “quicker” to work with.
It worked initially after installing Monterey, and then just went crazy, hanging for long periods on opening and validating libraries. I occasionally get a long hang time when adding a marker too. 😬
Hope they release an update soon!
Hi Rich. I'm having the same error and the application essentially won't respond at all - I have had to force quit each time and send the appropriate error logging through. I even tried deleting the application and reloading and it didn't make a difference. Just says validating library but never does anything
When I started this experience, I was having delays of 30s to a minute (or longer) every time I was loading something or moving the editing cursor. The spinning beachball would eventually go away, except when I quit (then I had to force quit). I could edit, but I couldn't see the sound waveforms below the video. I reset the NVRAM and the SMC. I deleted the old iMovie and reinstalled. I started a new iMovie library and that seemed to help speed things up a bit. Detached the audio on my project and it just shows me diagonal stripes where the waveforms should be, as if it were trying to render the waveforms, but not getting it. Could really use that update!
Deleting preferences has no effect whatsoever on projects.
They are completely separate.
You may have to navigate to them and re-open them but they will still be on your computer.
A few hours ago iMovie 10.3.1 was available and may or may not help the problems.
Final Cut Pro has also received an update which has solved its similar troubles.
The update did nothing to solve the problems I have been experiencing. The imported video sound does not upload immediately. And then when I go to share to FB the video upload takes HOURS not minutes and then the app freezes so I have to force quit. Really poor response from Apple!
If I want to upload my movie to YouTube or Facebook I take my movie project and 1)share project then 2) file and 3) desktop. From there it easily uploads to the other social media platforms from a file onmy desktop.
Yes that is what I do. But the share function is where the delay happens. It takes 9-12 HOURS to share to the .mov format for uploading to YouTube. Prior to Monterey exactly the same process took 20 minutes.
ARGH!!!!! This is not like APPLE!!!!! The update helped, but I can't hold audio to hear what is going on in the editing process. WHERE IS APPLE on this? This is the 2nd release in a row which is impacting our business. They have screwed up screen sharing last year and now we can't edit? COME ON APPLE!!!!! Do we need to go back to a PC after all these years of being with you???
Please respond!!!!!
For me the delay is happening when I import clip; it starts analysing audio but never finishes. If I try deleting a clip from the project, it hangs and I need to force quit iMovie. I am having to make myself learn to use another video editor; the option of downgrading to Big Sur doesn’t look straightforward either.
Exactly the same thing happens for me. I can load clips but it crashes repeatedly. Also when inserting any title it won’t allow you to see the text you are typing until you click the check mark to accept and it wot let you back space or delete anything if there is a mistake.
Can you describe in more detail in what way iMovie does not work on Monterey? It would help us accumulate some data about it.
-- Rich
And also, what version of iMovie are you using?
-- Rich
I found this out the hard way myself. IMovie does not work with Monterey. It's to go to another system. I have been so use to iMovie I hated to switch...Adobe Premier here I come.
the same here can take up to ten minutes to open a project
Same issue here! Apple! Please fix this iMovie in Monterrey issue ASAP!
iMovie vs Monterey - major problems