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Songs View Jumping to Random Spots After Action

Since the update to Monterey I've been experiencing some weird behavior when adding songs to a playlist (or editing info of a song/album). It seems as soon as Apple Music is done making changes, it just randomly decides to jump to a different spot in my current view.

Example: In the Library - Songs view, I went to an album by the artist "Dave". I selected the 12 songs from the album, two-finger click, Add to Last Playlist, and the Songs view jumps down to Jeezy. Do the same thing for a Turnstile album and it jumps down to Various Artists.

All of my playlists are in the "Songs" view (because the default Playlist view is absolutely worthless), so I cannot say whether this happens in other views.

Another, slightly less annoying bug, is that when using the keyboard to jump to the artist you want (in the example above typing "Dave") the first matching song is highlighted at the bottom of the view, instead of the top as it's been since... forever.

Am I the only experiencing/annoyed by these two bugs?

[This is a Direct Download Link]

Posted on Oct 30, 2021 1:56 PM

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Posted on Jul 28, 2022 11:39 PM

2 issues will rectify itself if you turn off 'Sync Library' in Music > Preferences > General

  1. No more auto jumping in Songs playlist after any editing action
  2. The Now Playing menu bar will behave as expected; as in it will show the playing time and remaining time & the scrubber will show accordingly where you are in the music track

As soon as you turn it back on, these 2 issues return.

I've submitted a bug report via Apple Feedback

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268 replies

May 8, 2022 11:15 PM in response to dblboinger

The biggest issue with spotify is that they don't have a freaking master LIBRARY. like there is zero way to manage music on a global scale with Spotify, it's nothing but playlists. I hate it to death more than Apple Music. If you have an artist saved in multiple playlists and you want to show someone/hear all the songs you have by that person, it's not possible.. there's nowhere with a library list of all the artist you have saved and all their respective songs.

May 10, 2022 8:08 AM in response to dblboinger

I've turned off Apple Music library on my Mac for the time being and just using the music I've purchased over the last 15 years and the CDs I've ripped. I still use Apple Music on my iPhone since there is no issues with that. Apple Music works great on iTunes in Windows as well. I wish Apple would just build Music as an actual desktop application like iTunes was versus an app. I will never get over the heartbreak of them discontinuing iTunes among other Apple products.

May 18, 2022 12:42 PM in response to jrdave2304

Thank you guys for keeping this thread alive. As i've said before in this thread, by far the most frustrating Apple bug I've ever experienced. Nothing else even compares.

Also said this before in here but the Wi-Fi turn off doesn't work for people who use their MacBooks with HomePods.

I will be checking in after every software release. Release 12.4 did absolutely nothing to address the issue, once again. Please fix this Apple! You are better than this!

May 29, 2022 3:30 PM in response to jrdave2304

Unbelievably frustrating. I did not find that updates fixed anything. Certainly began with Monterey. Have been on phone for hours with Apple support. No answers. Sorting also does not seem to work correctly. FYI in songs view if playing a song formerly you could click title and it would go to all songs with same name - no longer works? Any help greatly appreciated

May 31, 2022 7:59 AM in response to Deez11890

It’s not just an M1 issue, there are a bunch of examples in this thread from all different kinds of chips. I have intel 2019 16” MBP.

When I called in after posting after the 12.4 update I was told the senior engineers were aware of this problem and were done pretty much with the data collection part of this bug and are now working to fix it.

At this point I am just holding out hope it’s fixed with whatever new version they reveal at WWDC and release in September.

Jun 3, 2022 8:34 AM in response to IamAndy

I've been using Apple Music /iTunes since more than 18 years now. Tons of songs, well managed and tagged. I've spent hundreds of hours with it and a lot of money... But this bug is making crazy. Using Apple Music for tagging and managing songs and playlists is *fully unsatisfactory* at this stage.

Does anybody have a status on if this bug is actually tracked and tackled by Apple? - Or is the number of users keeping song tagging as it is and using only standard playlists actually the majority so that we, as 'effective users', are a minority which can be ignored by Apple?

Any 'official' information available?

Jun 8, 2022 9:19 AM in response to K Shaffer

I had the same problem on my 2015 Macbook Air 13''.

I just updated to 2020 MBA M1 and guess what the problem happens again.

Something i suspect of is Chrome. The jumping thing happens when my chrome is open and im connected to the internet.

However if i disconnect from the internet and shutdown Chrome all is well.

Anyone is willing to test this if that is the case with them as well?

Im not sure if this is just by chance or happens to other people as well

Jun 8, 2022 9:45 AM in response to Monqueles

@Monqueles - thanks for the input. However I do not think this bug is caused/influenced by Chrome. I do not use Chrome, and the bug occurs anyhow.

I‘m not a software developer - but for me it looks that when a Music library object‘s attributes are changed either via the Information dialogue window or directly in the list view, then, when the change/edit function or method ends, the stored ‚return pointer’ for the cursor‘s original list position get‘s somehow overwritten - and provides then a wrong back-jump address for the cursor position in the list. I have not been able to figure out a dedicated pattern in the wrong behavior yet.

Jun 10, 2022 5:44 AM in response to Monqueles

@Monqueles: Confirmed!

The bug did not occur (yet) being offline, when adding titles to lists or editing metadata/attributes of Apple Music local titles.

This would let me come to the next suspicion:

The bug could have something to do with the background process synch behavior of Apple Music. I'm working with an Apple cloud music library. So, when changing lists and song's attributes locally - by when would the cloud music library be 'informed'? Is there a listener pattern monitoring local updates and giving information to further synch processes? And if yes, does this process then modify the pointer's position of the cursor in the local list's original window?

Furthermore, and maybe interesting: When starting and running Apple Music in Safe Mode (Option + Command pressed before starting Apple Music) this bug does not occur (!) - as, I would assume, Safe Mode suppresses a couple of background processes - probably this unsolicited and potentially buggy synch behavior as well.

But this observation is not a solution - but, in the best case just a potential evidence where this bug might come from, and where Apple developers could have a look to eliminate the root cause.


this under: MBP16", 2021, 32GB with macOS Monterey 12.3.1 and Apple Music version

Jun 11, 2022 11:40 AM in response to jrdave2304

I'm using Monterey 12.3.1 and this bug persists. Any time I save changes to ANYTHING in my library, it almost without fail jumps to either the very bottom of my library (!!! is my last artist) or it jumps to some other random spot. But usually it's the bottom of the library. Very annoying. I'm actually shocked at the quality control's steadily diminishing returns since the glory days of iTunes working flawlessly.

Songs View Jumping to Random Spots After Action

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