Hi, I would just like to share the solution to this issue. After going around in circles trying different things this is how to fix the slow wifi issue. First, the culprit is the HDMI cable, there is interference when using a regular HDMI cable from from those off brand at amazon. This threw me off because I had just purchased brand new ones for 4k 120hz so I thought how could this be? Well it was, after many hours of testing, this was my result. I begrudgingly purchased expensive "Certified" "Low EMI" Cables from amazon and after swapping them, the issue was gone instantly. Tried this with different cables and sure enough the expensive cable tripled the speed instantly!!!
If you don't want to spend the money, you can also fix this by using a USB-C to HDMI adapter. That seemed to work as well with the cheaper cables. But you will not get 120hz refresh rate on your monitor, you'll be limited to 60hz.
Anyways, this is probably a design flaw by the position of the Apple's wireless card or it might be a software issue, who knows. It is what it is.
Here is the link the amazon cable i purchased: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YF7QMNK?th=1