etresoft, some things you write I don’t understand; other things I disagree with.
You wrote: “From the usage you describe, not only is it already fixed, it was never broken to begin with.” I don’t understand what you mean. I assume that by “it” you refer to Unicode Hexadecimal Input in computers that have macOS installed. As far as I know, Unicode Hexadecimal Input was working up to and including Monterey 12.3. Then Apple made some mistake, and Unicode Hex Input is still partly broken in Ventura 13.2.1.
You wrote “Apple has 3 different input methods for these kinds of characters. You are using only the most obscure one. Perhaps you learned that method on Windows years ago or something.” Don’t make assumptions about people! I have switched from old methods that I learned first, to the following method. For a small number of characters, I use an English keyboard; I used keys for simple things such as A, a, ?, [, /, et cetera. For all other things, including å, ä, ö in my native Swedish language, I hold down Option and enter a four‑digit hexadecimal code point number. After doing this for a while, one memorises a large repertoire of code point numbers. This is not an “obscure” method. It is the best way of writing texts when there are words from many languages in your output, and for writing things that are not on the keyboard. For example, I know that MULTIPLICATION SIGN has code point number U+00D7. So when I want a real multiplication sign in 2 × 2 = 4, I write 2 00D7 2 = 4. I hold down Option when typing 00D7. And 00D7 works in other contexts as well. I mostly use a MacBook Pro, but sometimes I have to use a computer with Windows 11 Home Version 21H2. I can write 00D7 in Microsoft Word on that computer that has Windows 11; the only difference is that I convert 00D7 to × using ALT+X instead of Option.
You wrote, “The primary input method is the keyboard.” Yes, for most of the characters you learn in English primary school, the keyboard is good. For everything else, such as „German quotation marks‟, it is better to learn code point numbers, so you can be sure you get the right characters, and you get a large repertoire of characters.
You wrote, “Apple sells keyboards with common characters in most local markets. See Magic Keyboard - Finnish/Swedish - Apple (UK)” Why should I buy unnecessary things such as a special keyboard for Swedish and Finnish, which I often write? It is quick to write 00E5 for å and so on, almost as quick as pressing one key for each character, when one gets a muscle memory for each code point number. And typing speed is an unimportant part of writing speed anyway; deciding what to write takes most of the time, unless you write transcripts of human speech, or something similar.
You wrote, “Next, for anglophones who frequently type in foreign languages, there is the basic ‘dead key’ system.” I have a vague memory of doing something like that, but abandoned it, and forgot about it, because of its limitations. For that method to work, I would have to leave Unicode Hexadeximal Input, wouldn’t I? And if I have left Unicode Hexadecimal Input, how can I quickly write “előre” with an Hungarian ő, when I want to write that in a mostly English text?
You wrote, “Next is the push-and-hold pop up from iOS. This is what most people use because they don’t know about the previous method and refuse to try anything new.” I’m not sure what you’re referring to. I don’t think I would find it useful. And you make assumptions about your fellow human beings.
You wrote, “Last and least is the hex input method. It’s been broken for years.” Broken since when? Please specify which year it broke, according to your information.
Unicode Hexadecimal Input is not “least”, it is best. Imagine that I meet a person with a Chinese name. I ask how to write it, and he says 5085 53EF 6069; I write those numbers, and get 傅可恩. (Three Chinese characters should be seen at the end of the previous sentence.)
You wrote, “It isn’t going to be fixed. Sorry.” Why wouldn’t it be fixed? It must be some small error that made Unicode Hex Input partly non‑functional from one version of macOS the next version. I’m going to make them find the error and fix it.