WatchOS 10.1 battery drain issue
My Series 8 watch upgrade to WatchOS 10.1 this morning and now my watch battery drains in 2 hours or so. What is the fix for this?
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My Series 8 watch upgrade to WatchOS 10.1 this morning and now my watch battery drains in 2 hours or so. What is the fix for this?
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Why the heck should we have to go through trying to erase, unpair etc… when this issue is clearly a software problem?
my Ultra is draining SO fast. Doesn’t last 7 hours now!
Apple creates this nonsense yet wants users to jump through hoops? No…. Fix the problem via an update!!
Why the heck should we have to go through trying to erase, unpair etc… when this issue is clearly a software problem?
my Ultra is draining SO fast. Doesn’t last 7 hours now!
Apple creates this nonsense yet wants users to jump through hoops? No…. Fix the problem via an update!!
Apple Watch 45mm Series 8 GPS.
From purchase in April, 32-36 hours between charges with no issues. Watch automatically updated to 10.1 on day of release and now a 100% charge doesn’t last 5 hours! My watch has now been turned into a very expensive bed side clock for the past week and more as it’s not worth wearing until it’s sorted!
Can we please have an updated resolve and quickly!
Ever since the 10.1 update and the 17.1 update my watch and phone drain within a couple of hours while they are sitting idle. I have followed all of the recommendations and nothing. Apple has done nothing to correct the obvious flaws in both updates. If not resolved quickly, I’m considering getting rid of my all
of Apple Products and retuning to Android.
Battery drain is not the only problem. I can no longer switch between watch faces! And the timer has issues - there is no verbal acknowledgement by Siri that the timer is set.
When I look at my watch I can see that it loses connection to my iPhone and my WiFi network and reconnecting constantly making it overheat and drains my battery in a couple of hours. Apple needs to address this problem now.
This happens when one of your apps isn't up to date for watchOS 10.1 The app is causing the battery drain. I was able to fix this problem by removing all of the apps that are not originally on the watch. Then you can add them one by one to find out which app is causing the battery drain.
Mine is series 5 and after the update I had the same issue, until then worked fine, so I went to a Apple Store to correct the problem, the had to send it to service, now they say I have also a Hardware problem that will cost me 300€ to repair!!!
I have same issue. I mean not exactly the same. I restored yesterday my iPhone 15 pro because I tried to achieve better battery results. After paring my watch (set as new) battery was draining way too fast. Unparing didn't help. Hard reset? Nothing. Moreover I have a problem with Infograph face. in the middle I have a today's date. Above should be visible my next event or "no more event" or something like that. It worked before restoring. Now I doesn't. iOS 17 and new watchOS 10 are so buggy.
P.S. It is not only about this Moby app because I've never heard of it and still have a problem.
I have tried low power mode to jump at the end of the day, but it’s still draining battery. Nothing changes. I have tried to remove all third parties apps. I have tried to unpair. A brand new series 9! This is the first time I experience something like this. My sister has now my “old” series 8 and it is PERFECT. Battery life is 100% and duration is about 30/34 hours! Unbelievable
If the battery drains too fast after an update, see all the replies to:
Battery Drain since watchos 7.4 - Apple Community
WatchOS 7.5 battery drain - Apple Community
FWIW, in some cases, unpairing the watch, completely erasing it, then pairing and restoring the backup will resolve the battery draining issue after an update. (Simply unpairing and pairing again may not work.)
Unpair and erase your Apple Watch - Apple Support
Also, some people have found that simply waiting a few days after an update resolves the battery draining problem.
I've made a lot of test. I still believe that third party apps can trigger something. Anyway I also saw that after uninstalling draining didn't stop but suddenly it did. I also don't want that is going on. Don't care about this bigger drop. It was a workout (running without iPhone and listening to music thought LTE). Still this workout took more % than before. But after that draining was better than before. Strange.
Update 10.1.1 didn’t work on my series 7 watch. It battery barely last 18 hours. I reset and repaired the watch last night and it looks like it didn’t help that much.
Experiencing the same thing here, my running activities are just screwed up, this is crap, need an immediate fix
Hold finger down on the watch face to change it.
Unpair your Watch, disconnect all the apps and then add the apps one by one, that have solved my problem.
WatchOS 10.1 battery drain issue