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Is it me, or are there major issues with iTunes update

Is it me, or are there major issues with iTunes update I cannot get it to connect to the iTunes store, nor will it back-up my iPhone. I also cannot paste album art. I see a lot of posts referring to the same issues, but no official replies from Apple. It's as if they are acting as if there is nothing wrong.

iPhone 3G, Windows Vista

Posted on Jul 22, 2011 2:26 PM

248 replies

Aug 4, 2011 10:28 PM in response to lebanks

There's a new version of QuickTime out. It's supposed to be a security update to fix application errors when viewing images and movies. Since iTunes uses QuickTime for playback and converting photos and videos, I wonder if it fixes any iTunes problems. I haven't tried it yet.

Sometimes they sneak in stealth updates to iTunes when other components are updated. Is the latest iTunes still

Aug 5, 2011 4:30 AM in response to Steinyj

Steinyj wrote:

It is not only you having the problem. I am having the same problems. I am not asking for Apple release secret, I just want the software to operate properly. So until it does, I will buy nothing Apple. Get it fixed and my loyalty will be back as well.

That is not loyalty, that is bribery.

If one update causing an issue destroys a persons loyalty to a company, then they should take their business elsewhere.

Aug 5, 2011 6:32 PM in response to Morac

I installed the Quicktime Update on my Windows XP system. Not a good move.

It triggered a repeat of the 100% processor usage of iTunes and AppleMobileDeviceService.

So D528's ritual was followed. Again.

Unstalled all Apple software, pet , rebooted, installed iTunes, rebooted, and am back in business.

That QuickTime update may be a security update, but it messes something up.

Aug 5, 2011 8:20 PM in response to refactor

The QuickTime 7.7 update installs Apple Application Support 2.0.1. That's the same thing that Safari 5.1 installs. Others have found (and I've confirmed) that Apple Application Support 2.0.1 breaks the purchase page in the iTunes store so it shows up as blank.

I found a work around for that, but it's messy.

I still haven't found a work around for the "including videos" crash. That's the more annoying one.

Aug 5, 2011 8:27 PM in response to lebanks

I'm not seeing any of the tags that come with purchased music. Such as the explicit/clean tags that come with specified purchased albums from the iTunes store. Also, the newest Safari has pretty much gone to crap this go around. What the heck is a webkit problem?! It keeps making me click ok and then it refreshes all pages that are open. Apple. Fix this.

Aug 5, 2011 8:41 PM in response to lebanks

I had a few problems after upgrading and I could not do a lot of things in Itunes. It took me a while researching for a fix. The only thing that did set everything back to normal was to uninstall all Apple products and reinstall Itunes with Quicktime. I unistalled about 7 programs. Itunes, Quicktime. Safari, Bonjour, Apple Software Update, Apple Mobile Device support and Apple Application Support, I believe I missed MobileMe Control Panel. Anyway, I just selected to install Itunes with Quicktime and after install everything was back to normal. Did not loose anything.

Aug 5, 2011 11:25 PM in response to diesel vdub

diesel vdub wrote:

Steinyj wrote:

It is not only you having the problem. I am having the same problems. I am not asking for Apple release secret, I just want the software to operate properly. So until it does, I will buy nothing Apple. Get it fixed and my loyalty will be back as well.

That is not loyalty, that is bribery.

If one update causing an issue destroys a persons loyalty to a company, then they should take their business elsewhere.

diesel, did you actually have a fix for the problem or not. Here is what it seems like to me. There is clearly a problem out there with the latest release of Itunes. There are a small number of people expressing their frustration or concern about the problem. Most people having this issue are not coming on this forum so there really is no way to tell really how small this. I thought this was an Apple support forum and I guess my logical expectations are that someone from Apple might come on here and make a comment. Like acknowledge there is a problem. And then give an estimate when it might be fixed. Or give a workaround until a fix does come out. I do not think that is an unrealistic expectation. No, instead we got people saying remove all the Apple software on your machine and then re-install everything. I am doing no such thing.

If what I was doing was bribery, Apple would take me to court. I am simply exercising my right to vote with my dollars. I love Apple products. I do not like Apple policies and service especially when it comes to things like this. Have a great day.

Aug 6, 2011 12:16 AM in response to lebanks

I have been watching this forum from almost day one.

I also noticed that many of us are having the same issues, and that many cannot get this to work.

here is a tip... how about going back and re reading the whole forum. VERY EARLY ON in this forum there have been a number of people who have posted the same link to fix this issue NO ONE can say why it works.

Ive noticed that in this fast paced soceity we all live in, we want everything fixed yesterday, lets slow down and breathe. here is the link that was given to me to help fix the problem trust me IT WORKS IF you follow the steps in the same order that they are written in.. NO SHORT CUTS...

I also defragged before reinstalling....

I cannot take credit for the hard work of a person called andrewfromparkes rather i can only thank him for taking time out to get the knowledge to fix this issue and also for sharing this information.

MY advice to others would be slow down and breathe.. there is nothing that cannot be fixed if you take the time to read and breathe.


Aug 6, 2011 5:26 AM in response to Steinyj

Steinyj wrote:

I thought this was an Apple support forum and I guess my logical expectations are that someone from Apple might come on here and make a comment. Like acknowledge there is a problem. And then give an estimate when it might be fixed. Or give a workaround until a fix does come out. I do not think that is an unrealistic expectation.

Then the expectation is flawed. This is a user to user support forum. Apple does not provide technical support or make any official announcements via the user support forums.

If users want/need Apple's assitance, then visit the Genius bar at an Apple store or call customer support.

Aug 6, 2011 6:34 AM in response to karryn

The only solution that works in the end is revertin back to, which will bring back the features that Apple stripped from iTunes.

1. Uninstall iTunes, and any other Apple only software, that you installed.

2. Reboot. Then Reinstall itunes 10.3, which you can can get from Apple at http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1103

3. With iTunes application closed, Now navigate to your iTunes music folder and rename the iTunes Library.itl file to iTunes Library.itl.bak.

4.Open the folder Previous itunes library find one that created before 10.4 was installed then copy that file to the same directory where you renamed iTunes Library.itl.bak and rename the file you copy to iTunes Library.itl .

5. Thats all that I had done and it works.

Aug 6, 2011 7:01 AM in response to karryn

Karryn, I'm glad the solution worked for u & any of the others that were lucky enough to succeed. If u read the ENTIRE forum & not just the first of it, u will notice many of us have followed the uinstall/reinstall instructions to the letter & it did not work. It did not work for me & I have done it 4 times in the last 2 weeks. I threw in CCleaner & a few extra reboots when I read that worked for someone. So.....I'm still following the forum in hopes that another solution may appear. I don't think (in reading ALL the posts) everyone is running the same OS, has the same PC's, or is even trying to sync to the same devices. I understood there r several different problems that have been experienced since the update. ...... Maybe that is why it has only worked for some of us???? Anyhow, I'm glad u r up & running back to normal & I hope Apple releases a fix soon. I'm afraid taking a deep breath & re-reading the forum will not help all of us :(

Aug 7, 2011 3:42 AM in response to lebanks

Having major issues as well, a bit hit and miss as to whether i get downloads, I often get the message the store is temporarily unavailable. If Ican download music it will not play. I also cannot update apps. I have re-installed once, only happened in the past weeks and if I recall did coincide with the ITunes update 10.5. the album I downloaded successfully today, does not play it just scrolls through the track list

Anyone know how to sort this?

Is it me, or are there major issues with iTunes update

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