I first met with the genius, who told me my warranty was expired. Absolutely no mention of the replacement program. He said since I bought it used, it was probably opened, serviced, and parts changed. He told me I could buy a replacement phone for $269, but that was it.
I asked him to open the phone so he could see that it had never been tampered with. He brought it to the back, came back and said he saw no physical evidence that the phone had been tampered with, but the screws were different (looked proper to me). So he refused to do anything with it.
That's when I spoke with the manager and explained the situation, and he parroted what the genius said. Could offer no valid reason other than "if the screws were different" that voids the warranty, end of story.
All of this was based on speculation that something could have been tampered with, no actual proof of anything other than looking at me and not giving me the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they didn't like the way I looked, I don't know. I was polite explaining why I felt it was unfair to refuse service based on an unsubstantiated fear, but they weren't at all receptive to logic.