Once I opened (TCP) port 515 on my XP PC, the pausing stopped. In other words, mine is functioning properly again. I understand this fix might not be good for everyone but I wanted to share it because the "no longer able to print to my PC hosted printer after upgrading to Mavericks" has been such a popular issue.
Here is specifically what I did.
(1) On my XP PC:
Windows Firewall - Under the exceptions tab, add TCP port 515 and open it by checking the box.
(2) On my Mavericks Mac:
(a) I deleted the existing printer.
(b) I copied my printer PPD file and pasted it into the: library/printers/ppds/contents/resources/en.lproj folder on my Mac HD.
(c) ADD Printer - Choose IP - Choose Line Printer Daemon LPD - Adress is the IP address of the XP PC (not your printer) - Queue is the XP SHARE NAME of your PRINTER - Name is what you want it to show up as in your Mac printer list - Location is the XP SHARE NAME of your PC - Use is the PPD file for the printer (located at: library/printers/ppds/contents/resources/en.lproj folder on my Mac HD)
Wah lah.
To back up a bit, I use ONYX RIP software on my XP PC. With all Mac OS's prior to Mavericks, I was able to "file-print" from my mac apps to the ONYX RIP (XP PC). The ONYX RIP then processes the print file and sends the job to my printer through a firewire connection. I lost this ability after upgrading to Mavericks.
I followed ONYX's instructions (mostly) from this link:
I sincerely hope this helps. Just so you know, although this is working stably for me now, I have yet solved my other problem since Mavericks... I can see and get files located on my XP PC from my Mac but my XP PC cannot see, let alone share files located on my Mavericks Mac.