I know this is old but I had to respond. Earlier I had clicked on an app link I found and it said the app wasn’t available in my country so it asked me to change regions. Sure why not!
Fast forward a couple hours and I realize my Apple Music songs aren’t playing. Any song I purchased and downloaded would play. But streaming songs would just not play, with no error.
It then hit me that I had changed regions. So I found where to change regions but it wouldn’t let me while having an active apple music subscription. I canceled, but because my subscription was still valid for the remainder of the laid period it still wouldn’t let me change regions.
So I googled “iphone app” and in the list that returned, I just went through clicking apps as they auto launch the app store. Finally when I clicked on “Citi Mobile” it recognized I needed to have my country changed to United States. So I clicked the button to complete the change and all is good! I can now play streaming somgs like normal and have re-subscribed to Apple Music!