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El Capitan 10.11.4 Issues Freeze/Fans.

Hello to everyone, to start i apologize in advance for my english since it's not my first language.

I own a new MacBook Pro Retina 13" Early 2015.

Since the last 5 months i had the OSX El Capitan 11.10.3 that came out of the box with the computer. And it worked always perfectly.
In the latest 5 months the mac never gave me any kind of issues!!
I use mostly the computer for listen music, browsing, chatting or writing texts (really basic usage nothing heavy)

Unfortunately i have to say, a couple of days ago on the App Store i noticed a new Update of OSX the "11.10.4" version and i decided to upgrade.
Well after a couple of hours i upgraded to the newer version my mac started to have several issues.
First of all the Fans. Without any kind of reason after 1 or 2 hour after the upgrade (i was simply browsing the web with 2 pages open on safari in specific facebook and youtube)
The fans started to run really crazy and loud for 3/4 minutes... so loud that i thought that the computer was exploding and i closed all the application and waited for the fans to runs slow. To the touch the aluminum of the mac was not hot... Ambient temperature.
This problem happened only the first day i upgraded. But to be honest sometimes i'm experiencing fans that sometimes runs fast and loud without any reason.

Last but absolutely not least.... FREEZING!!! Strangely also this problem showed up the same day i upgraded my macbook pro to the 11.10.4 version and this happened to me about 5 times right now!! and it's becoming a nightmare!!
While using the computer the mac
just simply freeze the screen (mouse is stuck without the wheel is totally freeze) and after 4/5 seconds that the screen is stuck also the haptic vibration of the trackpad stops work. I tried to leave the mac like this for about 10 minute but nothing... only an hard reset can solve this problem..

Last time happened just an hour ago circa and this is why i'm here..

I already tried to boot the computer with CMD+D for Apple Diagnostic and check the hardware, but it's completely fine showing a message "No Issues Found" ADP000.

Looking at the console i saw few messages strange but as i'm not a technician i don't know what kind of problem is...

Anyone of you is experiencing this problems on their macs?

Posted on Mar 25, 2016 7:51 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Mar 25, 2016 8:01 AM

First: you ElCapitan, but have made typos in the numbers: 10.11.3 was on it and 10.11.4 is now on it (I make the same typos always).

Your issue may be because of Spotlight indexing, but I am not sure.

I propose to shutdown the mac and

Then start while holding the CMD+R keys: it starts slowly in the so called Recovery Partition. Choose "install OS" from the menu: it will install OSX over what is in the mac, it leaves your user data alone. You need to have a consistent internet connection, because the OS is downloaded again. So it takes time, be prepared for that. After that the mac restarts and installs. Supposedly all "fallen bits" are corrected.

64 replies

Apr 6, 2016 6:58 PM in response to Linc Davis


Since I upgraded to 10.11.4, I have had issues with the fan. After a couple of minutes, it starts turning at almost full speed and doesn't stop anymore. And obviously the battery is empty after less than an hour. Before the upgrade I have never observed a similar problem.

I ran your test and here I posted the result:


Thank you very much for your support


Apr 7, 2016 8:09 AM in response to Community User

Happened also to me at least 10 times in the last 10 days...

It's interesting that it's only the Mac interface that crashes: in fact during the last freeze Spotify was playing in the background and continued for several minutes/songs after the screen freezing, until I finally decided to manually force shutdown in order to reboot.

I have to promise myself to never install again an Apple update before at least 1 month after the release in order to wait an see if there are any kind of problems. Nowadays these problems are too common.

Apr 7, 2016 8:47 AM in response to Community User

Have any of you reported these freezes to apple as a bug - and/or set up a support call with them.

As I mentioned in my earlier post - these freezes have happened since snow leopard - -- in my case - no problem for years until--

If you are looking for keyboard shortcuts to Unfreeze or restart -- check your version mac help.

Found them while looking for a key to the keys apple shows in keyboard shortcuts as some of the keys don't have the icon shown next to drop down menu on the key.

If you have a very slow power up or wake up -- restart immediately until and keep doing it until you get a clean(fast) startup with no delays.

Apr 7, 2016 4:31 PM in response to notcloudy

I already reported weeks ago this issues!!! and ZERO answers from apple!! I've been also at the apple store few days the issues started and they replied to me with the useless "scripted" sentences like:"we will personally write to apple about this issue"... Of course they didn't...
They just gave me a bitter pill to swallow to avoid the problem and send me away... This is a shame especially from a company like Apple...

Anyway, to be honest, i mostly work on computer and i spend my life on it.. And in the last 6 years i used every day 24h/7 Snow Leopard on my mac pro and also i used it on my macbook pro 2008 (that i recently upgraded with the new mbpro R 13" 2015) And i never had any issues of any kind on the OS X side.

I upgraded this year all my mac's directly from Snow Leopard to El Capitan just because i've been forced since apple and third parts dropped totally any kind of support and for me it started to be very limited by this... For me Snow Leopard and Tiger remain two of the best OSX i've ever had and used!!

Apr 8, 2016 6:59 PM in response to maskm

We should all leave a feedback about these issues and mentioning also with a link this specific post!! So maybe someone at apple will read this post and MAYBE they will listen and fix it... 😐 hopefully as always...

Apr 9, 2016 10:39 AM in response to Community User

JD1127 wrote:

I already reported weeks ago this issues!!! and ZERO answers from apple!! I've been also at the apple store few days the issues started and they replied to me with the useless "scripted" sentences like:"we will personally write to apple about this issue"... Of course they didn't...
They just gave me a bitter pill to swallow to avoid the problem and send me away... This is a shame especially from a company like Apple...

Anyway, to be honest, i mostly work on computer and i spend my life on it.. And in the last 6 years i used every day 24h/7 Snow Leopard on my mac pro and also i used it on my macbook pro 2008 (that i recently upgraded with the new mbpro R 13" 2015) And i never had any issues of any kind on the OS X side.

I upgraded this year all my mac's directly from Snow Leopard to El Capitan just because i've been forced since apple and third parts dropped totally any kind of support and for me it started to be very limited by this... For me Snow Leopard and Tiger remain two of the best OSX i've ever had and used!!

Freeze that has been around at least since Snow Leopard - and probably has something to do with the Unix based housekeeping and also disk management.

The freeze may actually be the Finder and not any of the applications - but as finder controls the desktop - what can one do when apple techs may never have the problem because they always get new devices with fresh install - and don't do all the stuff you are doing.

Within the Finder/Desktop processing bogus errors may happen because Finder causes a memory leak and is not easy to quit,


Either report as a bug - or request support call by entering the folioing information for the request giving at least the following information.

Do you sleep or shutdown your Mac.

If sleep how often do you shutdown - if ever.

How long do you wait for a slow start to get to the desk top.

How filled is your drive.

What OS did your mac come with.

What OS is it on now.

How many upgrades between.

Amount of Ram you have

If you sleep the system are any applications left open..

Do you allow your system to connect to the internet as required

What applications are open when you have the freeze

In order for any programmer to be able to track down an issue they have to be able to replicate it.

So - if you think of more things than I have listed - report those - -

Apr 9, 2016 8:44 PM in response to notcloudy

Nothing to do guys... 😟 it's been a couple of days that the macbook stopped freeze... But tonight started again!! Strange fact is that as 90% of the time i have the issue of freeze is when ii switch from a youtube video to another by clicking the avatar in the right side of the youtube.. After clicking you see the new video box totally black but you can hear 4/5 second of the audio start in background and mac totally freeze...
I also noticed also that my mac started to take lot of time to close it self!!! Before the upgrade when i shutdown the mac it closed almost instantly...
Now it doesn't.. it takes 10/15 seconds to close and on the desktop you can see a spinning loading wheel that i never seen before!!
This is strange since my SSD has always been empty... How i said previously, i use this mac just for basic tasks like browsing, chat etc...
And the only things are installed on the SSD are the OSX and 5 or 6 essentials application like unzip, vlc, skype etc... All original software...
In fact i just have 20gb used and 100gb free space..


1 / 2) I put the mac in sleep mode not often maybe 3 / 5 times a day. However i usually shutdown totally the mac 2 times a day sometimes at lunch and in the night before i go sleep. For example yesterday night i shutdown my mac and today morning when i opened my mac and after 30 minute mac freeze in youtube page. Computer have never been in sleep mode... So i think we can exclude that frequently sleep modes can cause this issue...
3/4) In the start up side i did not noticed any change.. It's always fast and reactive as before the update. But i noticed a drastical slow down in shutdown the mac.
As i said before now the mac to close takes 10/15 seconds showing a white loading spinning.. that i never seen before since i own this macbook in previous versions of el capitan the macbook closed quite immediately!! PS: ssd hasn't change in size it's always on 20gb used space and 100gb free space. i could understand a slow down if the SSD was full but have never changed in size...

5 / 6 / 7) To be honest i don't remember with what OSX came out of the box the mac. But has been bought and activate the 28 November 2015. So technically (regarding of what wikipedia say) it should come out of the box with OSX 10.11.1. Now it's on OSX 10.11.4 El Capitan.
To be honest i don't remember if i updated sequentially to the 10.11.2 and 10.11.3 versions.. But probably for sure i did it since i'm the kind of person that when an upgrade come out i usually install it immediately.

8) Ram is 8 GB DDR3 a 1867 MHz

9) Usually when i put my mac in sleep mode (with sleep mode i mean also by closing the macbook screen) the only app running it's safari OR no applications are running.

10) "Do you allow your system to connect to the internet as required" To be honest i did not understand this question well, but if i understand good, yes, the mac have full access to the internet since it's connected all the time to the modem via WIFI.

11) As i mentioned in the first post... The only application running when the freeze happen it's safari with 2 or 3 open tabs.
In specific it happened a couple of times with just facebook tab / youtube tab or ebay/ youtube/ google maps etc... The only constant application open that may cause the problem (and i'm pretty sure it's this that causes the freeze) it's Youtube.
90% of the time that the mac freeze i was using youtube or i opened a youtube video.
Once happened also with facebook, i clicked on the facebook videobox and mac freeze. but i'm not sure that has been facebook to cause the problem since few second before i opened the facebook video, i switched the video on youtube (that was running in background)

PS: i already posted/sent console logs, pictures and give all detailed information etc.... i think i've been really exhaustive on this point of view... but i still have my mac freeze and zero answers/solutions to fix this problem... funny thing is that lots of mac users on this forum and other forums in the last 1/2 weeks are having the same issues... I don't think that it's hard for apple to replicate this issue since almost everyone have this issue on their mac's!!










The thing that makes me more angry is the fact that we waste a lot of time and energy to report issues to apple and they ignore you completely!! 😠
Apple move the *** just for the iOS users... For the OSX users there's the total oblivion!!

Apr 9, 2016 9:18 PM in response to Community User

I had the same problem with freezing and the following seemed to fix the problem:

Restore Laptop

Shutdown the Laptop

Start laptop while holding the Command & R keys

It will start slowly in the in the “Recovery Partition”

When asked, choose “Install OS” from the menu

It will install OSX over what is in the mac. It will leave user info untouched.

You need to have a consistent internet connection, because the OS is downloaded again. So it takes time.

After that the mac restarts and installs. Supposedly all "fallen bits" are corrected.

This seems to prevent my problem of freezing constantly.

Apr 10, 2016 7:12 AM in response to Community User

10) "Do you allow your system to connect to the internet as required" To be honest i did not understand this question well, but if i understand good, yes, the mac have full access to the internet since it's connected all the time to the modem via WIFI.

At least through snow leopard I can and do - prohibit my mac from connecting to the internet when it thinks it needs to. I work in Photoshop off-line and never saw a need to be on-line all the time. If your system is on-line and Safari and/or mail is open - mail will keep checking for mail. Check Safari Top Sites -- they refresh and top sites can get added by frequent visits - edit out any sites you don't want to be top sites.

Also check Spotlight preferences - as that is part of finder and is designed to allow more detailed searches -- but can really cause problems if you don't want or need it as in default it indexes everything. Never knew it was causing a problem until my mac froze after I did intense Housekeeping and am still working my way out of it slowly but surely. No freeze but sometimes the power up takes about 5 minutes and then I restart once or twice until I get a clean desktop (no delay) After the first super freeze when I looked through logs I did see Finder caused a memory leak (went where it shouldn't) .

Before you shut down or sleep your mac - after closing all applications - go to Utilities menu and open the Activity Monitor - select Active processes - if you see MDWORKER jobs run by Spotlight or finder - indexing is running.

Now apple does not look at this site unless pointed to it with a request for support. If you click on Contact Us below you should get to a page where you can request a support call - and give them this information so they can review it before calling you. (the information you supplied is what an analyst needs to get started on figuring out what is going on - the more detail the better.

Apr 10, 2016 9:29 AM in response to Community User

After continuous research and trials of different methods I tried this and the results are very surprising. No need to Fresh install OS X btw.


1) Open Safari > Preferences > Privacy

2) Click "Remove All Website Data..."

3) Quit Safari (Command-Q)

Delete Safari Cache.db file:

1) Open Finder

2) From the menu "Go > Go to Folder..." or simply press (Command-Shift-G)

3) Copy "~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/" and click Go

4) Move to Trash "Cache.db" file, and Empty Trash

Final Steps:

1) Launch and then Quit Safari

2) Relaunch Safari

Apr 11, 2016 5:34 PM in response to notcloudy

I don't use Mail application to check emails... Safari Top-Sites is disabled since i never liked and never used.

I will try again to contact apple.

El Capitan 10.11.4 Issues Freeze/Fans.

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