itunes issue
i cannot find my iphone after itunes new update, so what to do about that?
days back before the update it was perfect !!
iPhone 6s, iOS 9.3
i cannot find my iphone after itunes new update, so what to do about that?
days back before the update it was perfect !!
iPhone 6s, iOS 9.3
How are you connecting?
via usb...but it is not showing the iphone what so ever 😟
Assuming you're running Windows, try the following:
Or try iPhone, iPad, or iPod not recognized in iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
Failing that try a full tear down and rebuild of iTunes as set out in Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
If you don't see your connected device in iTunes for Mac - Apple Support -
Device not listed immediately after upgrade - - try restarting
LincDavis July 2014 post on resetting sync services when iTunes not responding -
LincDavis June 2015 post on other things to try -
thanks a lottttttttt
You're welcome. 🙂
I tried to do this, but I do not have an Apple Mobile Device USB Driver listed under Universal Serial Bus Controllers, Imaging Devices, Portable Devices or Other Devices, or MTB USB Device.
Can anyone help? I am running Windows 10 and the latest iTunes and iOS software. My laptop recognizes my phone, but iTunes does not. A different laptop and iTunes also recognize my phone, so I don't think it's the USB cord.
If you expand those sections then you should see one of them expand with a new entry when you connect your device.
Wait! I got it. Thanks, turingtest2.
Here's how I resolved the issue: I googled "apple mobile device USB driver missing on pc" and found the following at Apple Mobile Device USB Driver Missing:
Reply Helpfulby Chengtai2 on Jun 23, 2015 3:49 PM
1. Go to Device Manager
2. Locate your Apple device (mine was under Portable Devices. It's very possible it's somewhere else for you.)
3. Right click it and select "Update Device Driver."
4. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Devices\Support\Drivers and select that folder
5. Hit next. The driver should install and you'll see "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" under the "Universal Serial Device USB Driver" section in Device Manager.
I hope I was able to help anybody who is still having this issue.
Did that no luck.
Open the device manager. Expand the sections.
Connect the device. You should hear the tell sound of Windows device connection and one section should gain a new entry. That should be your device.
Lastly, try rolling back to the last build of iTunes that worked for you. See iTunes installers for download links. If you're rolling back from to then you'll also need to roll back the library database in the way described in Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash.
I try All of this But nothing have change yet
See Re: Re: why on windows 10 itunes is not working? for a slightly more detailed version of my post above.
itunes issue